IJARAH Anisah 20090610118.

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1 IJARAH Anisah

2 outlines : The definition The kinds of Ijarah
The requirements of ijarah The sources of Ijarah Conclusion References

3 Definition Ijarah is a kinds of selling benefits. Means the transfer of the right of use (benefit) upon goods and services in certain time through lease payment without followed by the transfer of ownership of the goods itself.

4 The sources of Ijarah Al-Qur'an surat al-Zukhruf : 32
Al-Qur’an surat al-Qashash : 26 : Artinya “give the salary for the worker before they sweat is dry”(HR. Ibu Majah dari ibnu Umar) Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional Untuk Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah, 2001 DSN,MUI,BI.

5 The types of Ijarah Ijarah rent service Ijarah rent property
Mustajir employing service of ajir with fee as rented recompense (ujrah) Ijarah rent property Change the right to used from asset or certain property to others with rent reward.

6 The elements of Ijarah Based on Dewan Syariah Nasional No. 09/DSNMUI/IV2000 Mustajir Mu’jir / muajir The Object of Akad Sighat ( ijab and Qabul) The benefit of Ijarah

7 The requirements of Ijarah
The parties should mature and sane Declared his willingness to perform the contract of ijarah The benefits that the object must be known The objects of ijarah is lawful goods by Syara’ The Wage / rent of the contract must be clear, and have a value.

8 Conclusion Ijarah is a kinds of selling benefits which form of the transfer of the right of use /benefit upon goods and services in certain time through lease payment without followed by the transfer of ownership of the goods itself.

9 References Musjtari,DN dan Fitriyanti Fadia, 2010, Hukum Perbankan Syari’ah dan Takaful, Yogyakarta, Media Hukum FH UMY. Habib Nazir & Muh. Hasan, Ensiklopedi Ekonomi dan Perbankan S yari’ah, Kaki Langit,Bandung , 2004, hal. 246. Ascarya, Akad dan Produk Bak Syariah, Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,2007.

10 Thank you

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