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Presentasi berjudul: "FOKUS MASALAH KULIAH PKP DR. ROBIANA MODJO, MKES."— Transcript presentasi:


2 DEFINISI MASALAH Kesenjangan Realitas: Antara SEHARUSNYA dg. KENYATAAN Kesenjangan hasil  Medical check up  Assessment risiko kesehatan  Biaya kesehatan  Produktivitas




6 Step dalam Manajemen Program Promosi Kesehatan di Perusahaan Rekognisi Analisis Perencanaan Komunikasi Persiapan Implementasi Evaluasi Kontinuitas

7 Table Degree of Employee Participation in the Design Process top management directs process and makes all decisions top management directs process and makes all decisions but seeks input top management retains decisions making but shares direction of process top management shares decision making and direction of process employees direct process and direction making

8 If the management goal of reducing medical care costs the following process might be followed: Analyze past, current, and projected health care expenditures for patterns and high-cost areas. Determine current and projected future health conditions of employees as they relate to health care expenditures. This is done through health screenings and by reviewing medical insurance and worker’s compensation records. Determine which health conditions have the greatest impact on cost and which can be successfully addressed by health promotion programs.

9 Continue… Perform a cost/benefit analysis to determine which programs product benefits that are greater than their cost. Investigates methods to correct or prevent the highcost health conditions that cannot be affected by health promotion. Develop methods to track the impact of the program on health care cost. Develop health promotion programs that will have the greatest impact on medical care cost. These will probably include special programs for employees with the highest medical care cost, smoking cessation, hypertension control, prevention of lower back problems, auto safety, and general injury prevention programs.

10 If the goal is a health goal, such as reducing the incidence of heart attacks, the following might be followed: Determine causes of heart attacks. Determine which of these causes can be affected by health promotion programs. Conduct screening of employees to identify cardiac risk factors. Determine which programs are most effective in reducing the cardiac risk factors in the employee population.

11 Continue… Investigate methods to correct the cardiac risk factor that cannot be reduced by the health promotion program. Develop methods to track the impact of the programs on cardiac risk factor. Develop the programs that will have the greatest impact on cardiac risk factor. These will probably include nutrition, smoking cessation, fitness, stress management, hypertension control, and social support enhancement.

12 If the goal is a management goal to enhance the image of the organization, the following process would be followed: Determine the groups and individuals whose perception the organization is most important. Determine the components of a health promotion program most likely to shape this group’s perception and develop this programs. Develop mechanisms to capitalize on the image value of the program.

13 Continue… Investigate methods to enhance image other than the health promotion program. Develop methods to track the impact of the program on image. Develop other nonhealth promotion programs that will have the greatest impact on image.

14 Teknik Multivoting  Melibatkan pekerja  identifikasi masalah  Menentukan prioritas  seluruh pekerja  Membicarakan program yang ditetapkan  (jadwal & komitmen)

15 INDIKATOR KEBERHASILAN PROGRAM PKP Participant rate tinggi Jenis Pelatihan beragam Jumlah Pelatihan

16 DAFTAR MASALAH Masalah Olah Raga Masalah Penggunaan Obat2an terlarang/Narkotika Masalah tingginya kecelakaan kerja Masalah Stress pada pekerja Masalah Gizi Pekerja Masalah Berat Badan Masalah Pengendalian Darah Tinggi

17 DAMPAK MASALAH PKP (1)  Kolesterol darah meningkat  Berat Badan berlebih  Tekanan Darah tinggi  Kebugaran jasmani menurun  Moral kerja/kesehatan mental menurun  Hubungan dan dukungan sosial menurun

18 DAMPAK MASALAH PKP (2)  Morbiditas/mortalitas meningkat Jantung koroner Stroke Kanker Diabetes Mellitus Tuli/Kebisingan Penyakit Akibat Kerja lain

19 DAMPAK MASALAH PKP (2)  Cacat dan disability meningkat  Morbiditas penyakit umum meningkat Flu/ISPA Bronkhitis Pnemonia

20 ANALISIS MASALAH (1) Tentukan yang ingin diketahui  Pengetahuan faktor timbulnya masalah perilaku What  Mengapa ada masalah Why  Distribusi masalah Siapa ( umur, pendidikan, dll) Who Kapan When Dimana Where  Untuk menjawab, cari strategi How I. Prilaku Pendekatan apa Apakah Model memadai

21 ANALISIS MASALAH (2) Kumpulkan data/fakta lapangan  Jenis data:angka, kata, gambar  Teknik sampling: random, sistematik, stratified  Teknik: Survey, model epidemiologi  Kuesioner: apa yg diperkirakan/dirasakan  Output :data dasar & pola masalah

22 LANGKAH PROGRAM PROMOSI KESEHATAN Inventarisasi permasalahan Penyampaian program  pimpinan Menetapkan prioritas program Mengevaluasi kegiatan  periodik Melaporkan hasilnya


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