Activity Diagram Shinta P.. For Bussiness Modeling, Activity diagrams describe the activities of a class. It is used for the following purposes: (Bennet.

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1 Activity Diagram Shinta P.

2 For Bussiness Modeling, Activity diagrams describe the activities of a class. It is used for the following purposes: (Bennet, 2002) 1.To modelling a Task (in Business Modelling for instance) 2.To describe a system fucyion that is represented by use case 3.To describe the logic of an operation, in operation spesification Activity Diagram

3 Activity diagram adalah diagram UML perilaku (Behavior Diagram) yang menunjukkan aliran kontrol atau aliran objek dengan penekanan pada urutan dan kondisi aliran. Tindakan dikoordinasikan oleh model kegiatan yang dapat dimulai karena dipicu tindakan lainnya yang telah selesai melaksanakan, karena ketersediaan obyek dan data, atau karena beberapa peristiwa eksternal dari aliran terjadi. (

4 Activity contains activity nodes which could be: action object control Kegiatan mungkin berisi tindakan dari berbagai jenis: * Kemunculan fungsi primitif, seperti fungsi aritmatika. * tindakan perilaku, seperti kegiatan. * Tindakan Komunikasi, seperti mengirim sinyal. * Manipulasi benda, seperti membaca atau menulis atribut atau asosiasi.

5 Activity Partition ( PartisiAktifitas) adalah kelompok kegiatan untuk aktivitas yang memiliki beberapa karakteristik umum. Partisi sering sesuai dengan unit organisasi atau pelaku bisnis dalam model bisnis. Partisi memberikan pandangan yang dibatasi pada perilaku dipanggil dalam aktivitas. Kendala dapat dipilih sesuai dengan jenis elemen yang mewakili partisi. Kendala berikut normatif (standar) dalam UML 2.4: * classifier * instance * Part * Atribut dan nilai

6 Activities Diagram Activity diagrams describe the workflow behaviour of a system Action States, which represent atomic, or noninterruptible, actions of entities or steps in the execution of an algorithm. Action flows, which represent relationships between the different action states of an entity. Start Fork Branch Merge Joint End

7 Ellement of An ACtivty Diagram Action, non decomposable piece of behavior Activity, a set of actions Object Node, represent an object that is connected to a set of object flows Control flow, shows the sequence of execution Action Activity Class Name Reference: Allan Dennis, et al, 2005, “System Analys and Design with UML Ver.2.0”

8 Ellement of An ACtivty Diagram Object Flow, shows the flow of an object from one activity/ action to another activty/action Initial Node, Portrays the beginning of a set of actions or activities Final Activity Node, To stop all contro flows and object flows in an activity/ action Decision Node, represent a test condition [decision criteria]

9 Ellement of An ACtivty Diagram A Merge Node, to bring back together different decision path A Fork Node, split behavior into a parallel flows of activities/ actions A Join Node, bring back together a set of parallel flows of activities/ actions Swimlanes, which represent responsibilities of one or more objects for actions within an overall activity; that is, they divide the activity states into groups and assign these groups to objects that must perform the activities Object Name

10 Activity Diagram: Cases Example






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