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Pengertian Umum Sistem Manufaktur
D0394 Perancangan Sistem Manufaktur Pertemuan I - II
Definisi Manufaktur Manufacturing – Suatu kumpulan operasi dan aktifitas yang berkorelasi untuk menghasilkan produk, seperti perancangan produk, pemilihan bahan baku, perencanaan, pemrosesan, inspeksi, dan manajemen. Manufacturing process – Aktifitas manufaktur merubah bentuk suatu produk dengan mesin-mesin seperti, milling, drilling dll. Assembly – Kumpulan dari semua proses dengan mana bermacam komponen dan sub perakitan dibentuk bersamaan untuk membentuk rancangan rakitan atau produk secara geometris secara lengkap. Manufacturing System – Suatu pengorganisasian beberapa proses manufaktur dan perakitan yang saling berinteraksi. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjembatani dengan diluar fungsi produksi berkenaan dengan mengoptimasikan produktifitas kinerja sistem.
Manufacturing – Historical Perspective
English system (1800s) Memperkenalkan mesin-mesin yang digunakan secara umum yang dapat digunakan untuk produk yang bervariasi. American system (1850s) Menekankan pada presisi dan kemampuan untuk saling bertukar proses. Berubah dari “best fit” fokus kepada “greatest clearance without loss of functionality”. Scientific management (1900s) Prespecified worker motions - Moved the control totally into the hands of management. Process improvement (SPC) (1950s) Identical procedures produce different results on same machine at different times. Emphasized outliers instead of mean performance.
Manufacturing – Historical Perspective
Numerical control (1970s) Combining the versatility of general purpose machines with the precision and control of special-purpose machines. Computer integrated manufacturing (1980s) Pervasive use of computers to design products, plan production, control operations, and perform various business-related functions. Agile Manufacturing / Mass Customization (1990s) Creation of highly flexible organizational structures that allow systems to produce highly customized product
Manufacturing System Characterized by: Machines Number of machines
Raw Material “Finished” Products Characterized by: Number of machines Number of part types Part routes through the system Processing times Machine setups Demand patterns Raw material/component availability Equipment layout/configuration Operator availability
Manufacturing System Interested in: Decisions include: Machines
Raw Material “Finished” Products Interested in: Lead time for products Cost of processing Decisions include: System configuration Scheduling methods
Manufacturing System Configurations
Job Shop Process layout that groups functionally similar machines Flow Line Product layout that groups machines based on a product’s flow Cellular Manufacturing System Hybrid layout that groups similar parts and the corresponding processing machines Flexible Manufacturing System is an automated application Project Shop Product is fixed and people and equipment brought to it Continuous Process
Manufacturing System Configurations
D M T G M G D T Flow Line Configurations Job Shop Configuration
Manufacturing System Configurations
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cellular Configuration
Product Volume vs. Product Variety
Low High Continuous Flow Line / Transfer Line Cellular / Flexible Mfg. Sys. Volume Job Shop Variety
Manufacturing System Design
Resource Requirement Resource Lay Out Material Flow Buffer Capacity
Manufacturing System Operation
Operation Decomposition Planning Deciding what to do Scheduling Deciding when to do what you planned Execution Carrying out the planned tasks according to the schedule Hierarchical System Structure Shop Workstation Equipment
Principles of Manufacturing Systems
Little’s Law WIP = Production Rate × Throughput Time (L=λW) Matter is conserved Larger scope implies reduced reliability Objects decay Exponential growth in complexity M components, N states ==> NM possible system states
Principles of Manufacturing Systems
Technology advances System components appear to behave randomly Limits of (Human) rationality Combining, simplifying, and eliminating save time, money, and energy
Manufacturing Systems Overview
Product Design Process Planning Production System Design Production Planning Operational Planning Shop Floor Control Execution
Product Design Idea Prototype Market Research Design Refinement
Understanding and identifying customer needs Initial Design Feasibility study to determine initial functionality Prototype Market Research Market potential, economic analysis, strategic assessment Design Refinement Functional specifications Detailed Specifications Detailed design considering functions, quality/reliability, manufacturing, etc. Idea Generation (Product Design) Feasibility Study (Performance Specification) Preleminary Design (Prototype) Final Design (Final Design Specification) Process Planning (Manufacturing Specication)
Product Design (Cont.) Functional analysis Customer specifications
Product reliability Design for X Manufacture or Assembly Simplification, standardization, modularization Testing Repair Robustness to variations Concurrent engineering Consider how product will be manufactured (process and production planning) during design phase Reduce cost and time to market
Product Design (Cont.) Computer-Aided Design CAD/CAM
Use of computer graphics to assist in the creation, modification, and analysis of a design Common uses Geometric modeling Automated drafting and documentation Engineering analysis Design analysis CAD/CAM Generation of manufacturing instructions directly from CAD design data
Product Life Cycle Product (Consumer) Perspective Disposal
Inception Design Production Use Maintenance and repair Disposal Reuse, recycle, scrap Production System (Manufacturer) Perspective Design Ramp-up Maturity Decline Sale Time
Production System Life Cycle
Inception Design Construction Startup Use Closure Relationship to product lifecycle Typically production system lifecycle is longer than an individual product’s lifecycle Production system will revert to earlier stages in its lifecycle when new products are introduced Extent and cost depends on system flexibility
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