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Diterbitkan olehDhea Debilizer Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Basic Financial Statement
Statement of Operational (Income Statement – Laporan Rugi Laba). Balance Sheet (Neraca). Statement of Cash Flows.
Income Statement Operating Revenues Expenses Profit (loss)
(The actual and/or expected cash inflows resulting from activities that central to the on going operation). Expenses (The actual and/or expected cash outflows resulting from the sale delivery of goods or service). Profit (loss) (The difference between revenues and expenses).
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Income Statements Fiscal year ended December 31, 2006
Revenues: Net Sales …………………………… Rentals from licensed department ………… Other income-net …………………………………………………….. $20,649,001 12,961 123,906 20,785,868 Cost and Expenses: Cost of sales ……………………………………… Operating, selling and general and administrative expenses ….... Interest Cost: Debt ………………………………………… Capital leases ……………………………………………………….. 16,056,856 3,267,864 36,286 99,395 19,460401 Income before income taxes ………………… Provision for federal and state income taxes: Current …………………………………………………………….. Deferred …………………………………………… 1,325,467 474,016 14,230 488,246 Net Income ………………………………………………………….. 837,221
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Balance Sheets per December 31, 2006
ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Recoverable costs from sale/leaseback Inventories Prepaid expenses $12,553 126,638 114,653 3,351,367 25,776 Total Current Assets 3,630,987 Property, plant and equipment, at cost: Land Buildings and improvements Fixtures and equipment Transportation equipment 278,054 830,319 1,110,193 58,818 Less accumulated depreciation 2,277,384 520,318 Net property, plant and equipment Property under capital leases Less accumulated amortization 1,757,066 1,114,034 209,146 Net property under capital leases Goodwill Other assets and deferred charges 904,888 41,036 25,691 TOTAL ASSETS $6,359,668 LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Current Liabilities: Notes payable Account payable Accrued liabilities: Salaries Taxes, other than income Accrued federal and state income taxes Long-term debt due within one year Obligations under capital leases due within one year $19,000 1,389,730 126,661 106,855 281,156 121,158 1,690 19,659 Total Current Liabilities 2,065,909 Long-term debt Long-term obligations under capital leases Deferred income taxes Common shareholders’ equity: Common stock (share outstanding) Capital in excess of par value Retain earnings 184,439 1,009,046 92,365 56,559 174,277 2,777,073 Total Shareholders’ Equity 3,007,909 Total liabilities & shareholders’ equity $6,359,668
PENUTUP Pada manajemen keuangan pendahuluan ini, dibahas mengenai penyajian laporan-laporan keuangan, yaitu yang utama mengenai neraca (balance sheet) dan laporan rugi laba (profit and loss statement).
Selain membaca buku, majalah, tabloit atau sumber referensi lainnya, dianjurakan untuk memperkaya referensi dengan mengunjungi situs-situs yang berhubungan, misalnya : Note : gunakan kata kunci “akuntansi”, “balance sheet” atau yang lain untuk browse di search engine MATERI X MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN
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