Interesting Interfaces Where We Are At Where We Are Going Contextual Inquiry – Ethnographic Techniques to collect raw data Prototype – Application.

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2 Interesting Interfaces



5 Where We Are At Where We Are Going Contextual Inquiry – Ethnographic Techniques to collect raw data Prototype – Application with sufficient detail for usability testing User Environment Design – System Blueprint and Interface Specification Visioning – Brainstorming solutions Consolidation – Process of Induction to create a sense of the whole user population from the individual users Work Models – Interpretation Sessions to create a shared understanding of the work and user’s mental models of the work You are here

6 Consolidation Process of Induction Whole User PopulationIndividuals From facts we learn about individuals, we need to draw conclusions about the general population Deduction vs. Induction What do the individuals say about common work structures, strategies, intent, issues, and problems.

7 The Affinity Diagram Organizes individual notes into a hierarchy of common issues IDEO Method Card How-To In a group session each member has their field notes and a pad of post-its One note is put-up and others look for similar notes that seem to go with it Interview notes are placed together if they have an “affinity” – similar issues, intent, problems Notes are given a group name that states the issue which binds them together

8 Affinity Diagram Example Time Management To Do Lists Track Class Assignments Wrote class assignments on hand and transferred to calendar at end of day U2 Wrote class assignments on pocket calendar U3 Printed a weekly to do list from PDA U1 Made a daily to do list every morning U3 Entered class assignments into PDA U1 Looked at calendar after each task to decide what to do next U2

9 Affinity Diagram Built bottom-up Reveals scope of issues Group session drives consensus about the meaning of the data Use post-it’s

10 The Design War Room Walking the Wall Immersing yourself in the data Beyer & Holtzblat (1998), Contextual Design, Morgan Kaufmann, Page:204

11 Consolidating Flow Models Pengungkapan pola komunikasi Terfokus pada aplikasi dengan mengenali jalur komunikasi untuk mendukungnya How-To Dari alur model individu untuk mengenali peran  Mengumpulkan tanggungjawab organisasi untuk menyelesaikan tujuan Nama peran dan listing penanggungjawab Menggambar jalur komunikasi antar peran

12 Consolidating Sequence Models Pengungkapan activitas, tujuan, and strategi How-To Indentifikasi aktifitas dan pembangkit triggers Menuliskan langkah sebuah abstrak yang merupakan pusat dari yang dikerjakan Membangkitan aktifitas sequence dan menuliskan langkah sebuah abstrak Kembali ke model konsolidasi sequences dan listing tujuan dari setiap langkah atau sequences 174 175 Beyer & Holtzblat (1998), Contextual Design, Morgan Kaufmann, Pages: 173, 174

13 A Consolidated Sequence Model General Activity Label Goal of Activities Abstract Step Beyer & Holtzblat (1998), Contextual Design, Morgan Kaufmann, Page:177

14 Consolidating the Artifact Model Mengungkapkan tema organisasi dan konsep yang menggunakan pola kerja mereka How-To kelompok artifacts dari tipe yang sama Identifikasi bagian bagian / parts menggambar structure, penggunaan dan, tujuan Mencatat variasi temuan / perbedaan

15 A Consolidated Artifact Model Common Structure Common Intent Common Intent but variation of structure and usage Beyer & Holtzblat (1998), Contextual Design, Morgan Kaufmann, Page:183

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