Teori Organisasi dan Manajemen IV

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1 Teori Organisasi dan Manajemen IV
Teori Penggerak II

2 The Human Resources Perspective
Sebuah perspektif manajemen yang menunjukkan pekerjaan harusdirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tingkat yang lebih tinggidengan memungkinkan para pekerja untuk menggunakan potensi mereka sepenuhnya. 2017/4/13

3 Defining Motivation The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. 2017/4/13

4 Key Element of Motivation
Intensity: how hard a person tries Direction: toward beneficial goal Persistence: how long a person tries 2017/4/13

5 Representatives of The Human Resources Perspective
Douglas McGregor (1906~1964) Abraham Maslow (1908~1970) 2017/4/13

6 Douglas McGregor (1906~1964) 2017/4/13

7 Theory of X and Theory of Y by Douglas McGregor
McGregor diinterpretasikan sebagai pendukung Teori Y sebagaisebuah etika baru dan unggul. Teori Y berlaku untuk pemberdayaan. 2017/4/13

8 Abraham Maslow 1908~1970 2017/4/13

9 Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs motivational model

10 Hierarchy of Needs Theory (1) (by Abraham Maslow)
Five general types of motivating needs in order of ascendance: Physiological needs: heat, air base salary. Safety needs: safe work, job security. Belongingness needs: work groups. Esteem needs: recognition, increased responsibility. Self-actualization needs: Opportunities for training, advancement. 2017/4/13

11 Hierarchy of Needs Theory (2) (by Abraham Maslow)
Basic Needs in order of ascendance: Physiological needs Safety needs Belongingness and love needs Self-esteem needs Growth Need in order of ascendance: Need to know Aesthetic needs Self-actualization needs 2017/4/13

12 Hierarchy of Needs Criticism

13 ERG Theory proposed by Clayton Alderfer

14 ERG Theory There are three groups of core needs: existence, relatedness, and growth. Core Needs Existence: provision of basic material requirements. Relatedness: desire for relationships. Growth: desire for personal development. Concepts: More than one need can be operative at the same time. If a higher-level need cannot be fulfilled, the desire to satisfy a lower-level need increases (i.e., frustration-regression). 2017/4/13

15 David McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Need for Achievement The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed. Need for Affiliation The desire for friendly and close personal relationships. Need for Power The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise. nAch nPow nAff 2017/4/13

16 David McClelland 2017/4/13

17 Theory of Needs 2017/4/13

18 Matching High Achievers and Jobs

19 Frederick Herzberg 1923~ 2017/4/13

20 Contrasting Views of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

21 Two-Factor Theory (by Frederick Herzberg)
Two-Factor (Motivation-Hygiene) Theory Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated with dissatisfaction. Hygiene Factors Factors—such as company policy and administration, supervision, and salary—that, when adequate in a job, placate workers. When factors are adequate, people will not be dissatisfied. 2017/4/13

22 Comparison of Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers
Factors characterizing events on the job that led to extreme job dissatisfaction Factors characterizing events on the job that led to extreme job satisfaction Source: Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. An exhibit from One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? by Frederick Herzberg, September–October 1987. 2017/4/13

23 Teori Evaluasi kognitif
Cognitive Evaluation Theory Memberikan imbalan ekstrinsik untuk perilaku yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya dengan hakekatnya hanya memberi penghargaan dan cenderungmenurunkan keseluruhan tingkat motivasi. Teori ini hanya dapat relevan dengan pekerjaan yang sangat membosankan atau tidak sangat menarik. 2017/4/13

24 Goal-Setting Theory (by Edwin A. Locke)
The theory that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance. Factors influencing the goals–performance relationship: Goal commitment, adequate self-efficacy, task characteristics, and national culture. Self-Efficacy The individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. 2017/4/13

25 Teori Penguatan Asumsinya bahwa perilaku merupakan fungsi dari konsekuensi-konsekuensinya. Konsep: Perilaku ini disebabkan lingkungan. Perilaku dapat dimodifikasi (diperkuat) dengan menyediakan(mengendalikan) konsekuensi. Perilaku Diperkuat cenderung diulang. 2017/4/13

26 The behavioral sciences approach
Sebuah bagian perspektif manajemen humanistik yang berlakuilmu sosial dalam  konteks organisasi, tergambar dari  segi ekonomi,psikologi, sosiologi, dan disiplin lainnya. 2017/4/13

27 Management Science Perspective
Sebuah perspektif manajemen yang muncul setelah Perang Dunia II yang menerapkan matematika, statistik, dan  teknik kuantitatif lainuntuk masalah  manajerial. 2017/4/13

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