Pertemuan VII Hobbies Kelas IV Semester II 2011

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1 Pertemuan VII Hobbies Kelas IV Semester II Produksi @Mei 2011
Seri Belajar Bahasa inggris Pertemuan VII Hobbies Kelas IV Semester II Oleh : Chandra Widayanti Klik Untuk Mulai 2011 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Oleh : Chandra Widayanti 2011 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

3 KOMPETENSI Memahami Ungkapan berbagai tindak tutur sederhana yang digunakan dalam berkomunikasi di kelas baik secara fisik maupun verbal yang bertemakan hobi Bercakap – cakap untuk meminta/ memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta kejelasan

4 INDIKATOR Mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis hobi / kebiasaan
Memberikan informasi mengenai hobi / kebiasaan Menanyakan informasi tentang hobi / kebiasaan Merespon tindak tutur tentang hobi / kebiasaan

5 MATERI 1 2 3 4 Kinds of Hobby Macam – macam hobi
Make sentences using hobby Membuat beberapa kalimat menggunakan hobi 2 Asking Hobby Menanyakan hobi 3 Dialogue about hobby Percakapan tentang hobi 4

6 Observe the picture, listen and repeat !
Materi 1 Kinds of Hobby 2 3 4 Observe the picture, listen and repeat ! Playing Foot ball Swimming Playing Basket ball Playing Volleyball Hiking Singing Playing Piano Listen music

7 Observe the picture and speak out these sentences!
Materi 2 Sentences Using hobby 1 3 4 Observe the picture and speak out these sentences! My hobby is jogging My Hobby is reading He Likes badminton very much Their hobby is playing volleyball

8 Practice how to asking the people’s hobby!
Asking Hobby Materi 3 1 2 4 Practice how to asking the people’s hobby! My hobby is reading . How about you ? What is your hobby, Rinto ? I think that hobby is suitable for you Well, My hobby is dancing

9 Asking Hobby Materi 3 1 2 4 Question Answer v your her his hobby ? is
What hobbies ? are their My Her His hiking swimming singing fishing jogging hobby is Answer are hobbies their

10 Practice these Dialogue !
Materi 4 Dialogues 1 2 3 Practice these Dialogue ! Upin : Is your hobby playing tennis, Ipin ? Ipin : No, it is not. I don’t like to play it. Upin : So, what do you like to play ? Ipin : I like to play badminton. Upin : What do we need to play it ? Ipin : We need a racket and a shuttlecock to play it. Upin : Where can we play it ? Ipin : We can play it in the court.

11 Exsercise 1 EVALUASI v Name the hobbies below by choosing the correct answer! Namai hobby di bawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang benar ! 1 2 a. reading a. reading b. swimming b. Playing badminton c. Playing basketball c. Playing football d. hiking d. singing …………………….. …………………….. 4 3 a. swiming a. singing b. Playing piano b. surfing c. Playing basketball c. jogging d. Playing volleyball d. dancing …………………….. ……………………..

12 EVALUASI Exsercise 2 Fill in the blanks, then speak them out!
Isilah titik – titik berikut dan ucapkan! 1 2 He is Darmawan. His hobby is ………………………… He usually do it in the sunday morning. Just look at the girl! She is …………… now She like do it very much 3 4 Look! He is Budi. He Likes playing ……………. Very much He plays it in the field The boy in the picture is my brother. His hobby is playing …………… She can play it well.

13 Isilah titik – titik berikut !
Task 1 v TUGAS Fill in the blanks! Isilah titik – titik berikut ! 1 2 A : “………………………….?” B : “ They are playing volleyball” A : “What is his hobby ?” B : “ …………………………..” 4 3 A : “…………………………. ?” B : “ His hobby is playing piano” A : “What is his hobby ?” B : “ …………………………..”

14 Task 2 TUGAS Make sentences based on the following picture! Buatlah kalimat berdasarkan gambar berikut ! 1 2 3 ………………………. ………………………. ………………………. 4 5 6 ………………………. ………………………. ……………………….

15 TUGAS Task 3 Fill in the blanks and speak out in front of the class!
Isilah titik – titik berikut dan bacalah di depan kelas! Hello, friends! How are you today? My name is Hendra. I am eleven years old. I am a fourth grade students of Angkasa Elementary School. My hobby is doing sports. My favorite one is playing …… (1). I play it every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. On Sunday morning, I play … (2) in the court. While on Thursday afternoon, I play … (3). I have a brother and a sister. My brother’s name is Erwan. His hobby is (4). While my sister’s name is Nirma. Her hobby is … (5).


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