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Kuliah 1 Etika Profesi dan Bisnis Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi KONSEP DASAR ETIKA.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kuliah 1 Etika Profesi dan Bisnis Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi KONSEP DASAR ETIKA."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kuliah 1 Etika Profesi dan Bisnis Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi KONSEP DASAR ETIKA

2 Topics The Important of Ethics Defining Ethics Profession, Professional and Business Defining Professional and Business Ethics Code of Ethics

3 The Important of Ethics

4 “It’s just a job” or “It’s just business”

5 “The market made me do it” or “The devil [boss, system, pressure, etc.] made me do it”

6 Lumpur Lapindo

7 “Hey... We’re not responsible !!”

8 “Professional and business ethics is very important !”

9 Ethics can be used to distinguish right and wrong behavior and identify what ought to be done.



12 “Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. Design is therefore responsible for the world our children will live in.” ROBERT L. PETERS

13 “Don’t just do good design, do good.” DAVID BERMAN

14 Defining Ethics

15 Etika secara etimologis ‘ethos’ dari bahasa yunani yang berarti karakter, watak kesusilaan atau adat.

16 Ethics are standards of beliefs and values that guide conduct, behavior, and activities. (Bob Nelson and Peter Economy) Etika atau etik sebagai pandangan manusia dalam berprilaku menurut ukuran dan nilai yang baik. (Drs. O.P. Simorangkir)

17 Etika adalah teori tentang tingkah laku perbuatan manusia dipandang dari segi baik dan buruk, sejauh yang dapat ditentukan oleh akal. (Drs. Sidi Gajalba) Etika adalah cabang filsafat yang berbicara mengenai nilai dan norma moral yang menentukan prilaku manusia dalam hidupnya. (Drs. H. Burhanudin Salam)

18 Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality — that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime, etc. ( Ethics)

19 Etika DeskriptifNormatif UmumKhusus IndividualSosial

20 Profession, Professional and Business

21 Profesi adalah sebutan untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan memiliki keahlian atau pendidikan tertentu. Profesional adalah sebutan untuk individu yang menjadikan profesi sebagai kegiatan utama untuk menghasilkan nafkah hidup

22 Ciri-ciri Profesi Adanya pelatihan ekstensif sebelum memasuki sebuah profesi. Pelatihan meliputi komponen intelektual yang signifikan. Tenaga yang terlatih mampu memberikan jasa yang penting kepada masyarakat. Adanya proses lisensi atau sertifikat. Menjadi anggota dalam organisasi profesi. Otonomi dalam pekerjaannya.

23 The word business derives from the Middle English terms for busy and ness, and its primary meaning is to engage in purposeful activity. However, there is a secondary meaning of the word business, which denotes activities that involve the production and exchange of goods for economic purposes (profit).

24 Defining Professional and Business Ethics

25 Professional ethics is a branch of applied philosophy and can be understood as the application of ethical concepts and principles to professional practice.

26 Professional ethics is grounded in the belief that professional roles require particular norms and principles to guide behavior. The focus is on the special relationships between practitioner and client or patient and what that relationship entails.


28 Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment.

29 Code of Ethics

30 A code of ethics is a complement for existing policies and procedures, not a replacement for them. A good code of ethics is built on the following foundation: 1.Compliance with internal policies and procedures. 2.Compliance with external laws and regulations. 3.Direction from organizational values. 4.Direction from individual values.

31 What’s Your Message? © 2011

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