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Diterbitkan olehCornelius Beby Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Sumber Intimate Relationship Disiapkan oleh: Dian Wisuwardhani
FRIENDSHIP Sumber Intimate Relationship Disiapkan oleh: Dian Wisuwardhani
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Mari kita perhatikan kalimay berikut ini
Without friendship life is not worth living. Cicero Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson Each friend represent a world in us, a world possibly not burn until they arrive, and its only by this meeting that a new world is born. Anais Nin I get by with a little help from my friends. John Lennon
Penelitian “A friend is someone …” (Sapadin, 1988)
With whom we are intimate Whom we trust On whom we can depend Who shares Who is accepting Who is caring With whom we are close and Whom we enjoy
Friendship Affective, communal, and sociable
Affective: sharing personal thoughts and feelings, warmth, care and love ,emotional support, empathy, self concept, sense of trust, loyalty and commitment (deVries, dalam Miller, Perlman, dan Brehm, 2007) Communal: participating in common activities, similarity, giving and receiving practical assistance. Sociability: source of amusement, fun and recreation.
Differences between Friendship & Love
Cinta melibatkan perasaan yang lebih kompleks daripada rasa suka. Rubin mengemukakan bahwa liking dan loving meliputi penilaian positif satu sama lain, sedangkan hubungan romantis meliputi saling ketertarikan, hasrat sexual. Persahabatan tidak meliputi keintiman, tidak terikat seperti pada hubungan romantis.
Diskusikan … Menurut anda, apakah persahabatan meliputi hal hal berikut ini ? Berikan contoh konkrit
RESPECT Kita akan lebih menyukai orang yang hormat kepada kita (Frei & Shaver, 2002), dan TRUST RESPONSIVENESS CAPITALIZATION SOCIAL SUPPORT
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