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AINUL IMAN, 3301404177 Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Siswa dan Kompetensi Guru terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Akuntansi pada Siswa Kelas XII IPS di MA Yaspia Ngroto Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011.
Identitas Mahasiswa - NAMA : AINUL IMAN - NIM : 3301404177 - PRODI : Pendidikan Ekonomi (Pendidikan Akuntansi) - JURUSAN : Pendidikan Ekonomi - FAKULTAS : Ekonomi - EMAIL : wo_ainul pada domain yahoo.com - PEMBIMBING 1 : Drs. Asrori, MS. - PEMBIMBING 2 : Nanik Sri Utaminingsih, SE., M.Si., AKt. - TGL UJIAN : 2011-05-04
Judul Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Siswa dan Kompetensi Guru terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Akuntansi pada Siswa Kelas XII IPS di MA Yaspia Ngroto Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011.
Abstrak The student's achievement in studying accountancy of economics is influenced by various factors, both internal and external factor. The problems in this research are: 1) Is there any influence of the student’s motivation towards their achievements in studying accountancy of economics? 2) Is there any influence of the teacher’s competence towards the student’s achievements in studying accountancy of economics? And 3) Is there any influence between the student’s motivation and the teacher's competence towards the students’ achievement in studying accountancy of economics? The population in this research is all 12 grade students of IPS at MA Yaspia Ngroto in Grobogan Regency which consists of 81 students. The variable researched was the students’ motivation of studying (X1) and the teacher's competence (X2) as the independent variable and the studying achievement (Y) as the dependent variable. The data was gathered by using questioners. Then, the data gathered was analysed by using the descriptive analysis of the percentage and the analysis of multiplied regression. Results of the research by using the descriptive analysis of the percentage showed that the student’s motivation of learning in a high category of 48.15%, the teacher's competence from the student’s perception in the good category of 73% as well. For the analysis of regression which used the SPSS program for Windows release 13 were received by the equality: Ŷ=43.381+0,178X1 + 0,159X2. The regression test showed results of the partial test for student’s motivation of learning was received taccount 2.600 with significance 0.011 < 0.050, and the teacher's competence was received taccount 4.599 with the significance 0.000 < 0.050. Results of the simultaneous test were received result of Faccount 33.768 with the significance 0.000 < 0.050. The level of influence, partially, for the studying motivation variable of 7.95% and the teacher's competence of 21.34%. Whereas simultaneously the level of influence that was given of 45%, the rest 55% was affected by the other factors that were not researched in this research. Based on the results of this research could be concluded that there is a significant influence between the studying motivation of the students and the ix teacher's competence towards the students’ achievement in learning accountancy of economics simultaneously and partially. The suggestion that could be given by the writer that is: for the student, although most students’ motivation in the high category, it would be better for them to increase the motivation optimally so that their achievements could increase also, and for the teacher, it was hoped that he/she always sharpen and develop his/her competence more and more, especially that was linked with his/her profession as the teacher, from the field of cognitive, afective and psycho-motoric as well, which all of them are encompassed in the four teacher's competence. By the existence of the high studying motivation and the teacher's competence that were very good, it likely will make studying results of the student to be better also, so as the studying achievement of the student increased
Kata Kunci the Motivation studied, the Teacher's Competence, the Achievement studied Accountancy Economics.
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