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LPJ HUMAS BEM UI 2008 By: Muhammad Habibie Head Of Public Relations Affairs Student Executive Board University Of Indonesia.

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2 LPJ HUMAS BEM UI 2008 By: Muhammad Habibie Head Of Public Relations Affairs Student Executive Board University Of Indonesia

3 Pendahuluan Humas atau yang lebih dikenal Public Relation adalah faktor kunci yang untuk memulihkan citra kelembagaan yang ada ditengah-tengah perjalanan. Tentunya setiap organisasi akan menemui berbagai masalah dengan mendapatkan berbagai respon yang baik dan yang buruk. Peran dan fungsi humas juga bukan berarti menutupi kekurangan dengan cara yang tidak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku ditengah-tengah masyarakat. Tentu, secara fair kekurangan lembaga itu disampaikan dengan cara yang baik, elegan, dan penuh dengan perhitungan. Agar keobjektivitasan selalu dapat di evaluasi untuk memperbaiki kinerja suatu organisasi. Untuk itu baik lembaga yang berhaluan keuntungan (profit) maupun yang sukarela (volunter). Humas menjadi bagian penting dalam untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dari berbagai pihak yang berkaitan langsung maupun tidak langsung.

4 Jobdesc : Mengemas dan melakukan propaganda dalam rangka membentuk citra positif BEM UI baik secara internal dan eksternal 2. Mengakarkan visi dan misi BEM UI 2008 3. Membangun jaringan dengan berbagai elemen

5 Mengemas dan melakukan propaganda dalam rangka membentuk citra positif BEM UI baik secara internal dan eksternal Proker ini dapat memenuhi jobdesc karena di : Welcome Maba 2008 (WM 2008) humas BEM UI melakukan sambutan dan LO kepada mahasiswa baru. Humas-net  terjalinnya humas-humas fakultas dengan sumbangsih humas BEM UI dalam mengadakan kegiatan bersama. Open together 2008  menjalin kedekatan dan berbagi pada acara buka puasa BEM UI BGTR Menjalin keharmonisan dengan Rektorat MOIR Menjalin hubungan dengan lingkungan UI dengan pengiriman ucapan yang empati ke stakeholder BEM UI MOER Menjalin hubungan dengan lingkungan diluar UI dengan pengiriman ucapan yang baik dan berkesan kepada Tokoh (lokal, nasional), pemerintah, legislatif, perusahaan, perguruan tinggi (domestik, dan luar negeri), Pers/media masa, dll. PMC seandainya berita yang baik seperti aksi kepedulian, lingkungan dll terdapat nilai yang positif di mata masyarakat. Ekspedisi BEM UI 2008 menjalin hubungan dengan berkunjung ke instansi atau perorangan Kegiatan insidentalnya: Aksi BEM UI  seandai yang baik artinya mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat Open House BEM UI di OKK UI garapan yang sangat luas untuk mahasiswa angkatan terbaru dengan menampilkan performance dari BEM UI beserta BEM’ers.

6 Mengakarkan visi dan misi BEM UI 2008
Proker ini dapat memenuhi jobdesc karena di : Welcome maba 2008 garapan terluas untuk mahasiswa angkatan baru dengan memberikan souvenir berlogo BEM UI beserta visi, leaflet BEM UI visi dan misi BGTFs dalam kegiatan disampaikan visi dan misi BEM UI 2008 MOIR Setiap pengiriman ucapan terdapat visi BEM UI Ekspedisi BEM UI 2008  terdapat dalam plakat BEM UI

7 Membangun jaringan dengan berbagai elemen
Proker ini dapat memenuhi jobdesc karena di : MOIR menjalin dan menjaga hubungan dengan civitas UI MOER menjalin dan menjaga hubungan pihak luar UI EXPEDITION BEM UI 2008 menjalin dan menjaga hubungan dengan instansi atau perorangan BGTFs menjalin dan menjaga hubungan fakultas di UI Humas-net menjalin dan menjaga hubungan dengan humas-humas fakultas BGTR menjalin dan menjaga hubungan dengan Rektorat Open Together 2008 menjalin dan menjaga hubungan dengan civitas UI

8 Struktur Humas BEM UI 2008

9 Strategi jaringan jangka panjang
This slide relates to material on pp : Indicates place where slide “builds” to include the corresponding point. UI(12 Fak, Birokrat, karyawan, UKM, DPM, masyarakat) Menjaga dan Memperluas Jaringan Korporasi Tokoh Summary Overview Marketing channels can be direct or indirect. Direct contact with customers helps a company keep abreast of market changes. Often, this is a preferred way of handling place decisions. However, some products require the work of specialists to match producer output to user needs. Key Issues Why a firm might want to use direct distribution. One reason is to get better control over the whole marketing job . They might be able to serve target customers at a lower cost.   Also, independent middlemen with different objectives may not meet the firm's need.  The Internet makes direct distribution easier for many firms. Discussion Question: If direct distribution is so attractive because of the wide reach of the Internet, why have so many dot-com direct distributors failed? »A firm having direct contact with customers is more aware of changes in customer attitudes. »Making adjustments is often easier and faster because middlemen are not involved. »Sometimes, suitable middlemen are not available or will not cooperate. NGOs/LSM : PTN, PTS : : Media Masa (locally, nationally,globally) : : :

10 SDm Humas,… Kabiro : M.Habibie
Deputi Informasi dan data: Widy (sekretaris) Deputi Keuangan : Asri (bendahara) Deputi Internal: Ita (UI, birokrasi) Deputi Eksternal: Sonia (PTN,Media), Silmi (korporasi,LSM, Ormas) Jajaran Deputi Info data: Woro, Rifa Keuangan: Tita Internal: Eka, Ferdy, Tia, Mukhlis, Jesi, Wulan, Imelda, Risco Eksternal: Melisya, Farchan, Aisyah, Meriska, Asa, Puspa Jumlah Total 20 awalnya 24

11 Evaluasi 14 Proker LANJUT
This slide relates to material on pp : Indicates place where slide “builds” to include the corresponding point. Note: exhibit continues on next slide Humas-net BGTFs Buku Pintar Humas DPR Ekspedisi BEM UI 2008 PMC Summary Overview The potential of the Internet is huge, but it’s still in its infancy. As a share of the overall retail pie, sales are still small. This exhibit (which continues on the next slide) highlights some differences between in-store and online retailing. Key Issues Internet customers are younger, better educated, and tend to be from more upscale circumstances. With Web shopping, convenience takes on new meanings because people can shop at home or while at work. The shopper controls the pace of shopping, the location of the “store,” and the amount of information sought. Web purchases are often concentrated on weekdays—in part because many people get on the Internet while at work, although many employers try to control this. In bricks and mortar stores, crowds are heavier during the weekend. Customer service on the web is still variable, but it is improving. Much of the investment in Internet retailing has been in moving information versus moving goods. It is considerably more expensive to build the logistics infrastructure to support a commercial website than to build the site itself. So, many customers encounter problems with products that don’t arrive when they’re expected. Online shopping is more common for big, one time purchases than for routine purchases. Delivery charges are part of the reason. Many customers search for information online then purchase at a local store. An internet retailer’s product assortments are not limited by location. Many vendors link together to offer shoppers the widest assortment possible. However, on the web customers can’t inspect products like they can in a store. MOER MOIR Welcome maba : Reuni Aktivis PA’RT BGTR : : LANJUT Open Together BAndRek : :

12 Kegiatan Humas (diluar proker)
DOKUMENTASI RANGKAIAN KEGIATAN HUMAS BEM UI 2008 “Sepenuh Hati, Berjuang & Berkontribusi” Kegiatan Humas (diluar proker) NO. HARI, TANGGAL WAKTU TEMPAT KEGIATAN 1 Selasa, 8 Januari 08 08.00 – 12.30 Aula Setyaningrum – pgw Kunjungan SMA 1 Cirebon 2 Kamis, 17 Januari 08 08.00 – 09.00 Sekret. BEM UI Kunjungan Siswa2 SMA dari Tegal 3 Selasa, 5 Februari 08 18.00 – 21.30 Aula Setyningrum – pgw Kunjungan BEM ITS 4 Kamis, 20 Maret 08 08.00 – 16.00 TMII Team Building Humas 5 Selasa, 8 April 2008 09.00 – 12.30 Aula Setyaningrum – Pgw Kunjungan BEM UNESA 6 Sabtu, 4 Mei 2008 Aula Setyaningrum Menerima kunjungan dari UiTM Universiti Tecnology Mara Malaysia 7 Juni 2008 Aula Setyaningrum - Pgw Kunjungan Univ. Malaya-Malaysia 8 Rabu, 9 Juli 2008 09.00 – 11.00 Ruang BEM Kunjungan BEM UNPAD 9 Jumat, 25 Juli 2008 14.00 – 16.00 Kunjungan AKA Bogor

13 11 Rabu, 30 Juli 2008 10.00 – 16.30 12.00 – 16.00 Aula Setyaningrum Ruang BEM Kunjungan KM ITB Kunjungan BEM UNJ 12 Kamis, 13 Nov 2008 10.00 – 13.00 Kunjungan Universitas Widyatama 13 Sabtu, 20 Des 2008 Aula Setyaningrum/ruang BEM UI Kunjungan Politeknik Negeri Bandung 14 Rabu, 24 Des 2008 Kunjungan siswa-siswa SMA Tegal

14 Aktivitas ke PR-an Linking UI Area (Siklus Share informasi):
Up dating (address); klub dan formal Conditioning (clarified)  klarifikasi massa

15 The Message Channel and Noise Are Important Too
This slide relates to material on pp : Indicates place where slide “builds” to include the corresponding point. Summary Overview Aside from the source, the receiver, encoding and decoding, there are other aspects to the communication process. Key Issues Message channel: the carrier of the message. The message channel may be a salesperson, or some other mass medium. A message channel may enhance or detract from a message. Personal selling has the advantage of immediate feedback from the receiver to the source. In mass selling, marketing research or sales figures provide the feedback, and this process takes longer. Many marketers are now including toll-free numbers or Web addresses in their mass selling appeals to speed up feedback from consumers. Noise: any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process. Discussion Question: What are some possible distractions that could prevent the effective communication of a message via a television commercial? Marketers must also take into account various ethical considerations in message planning. Above all, communications should be honest and fair, and claims made in promotional messages should be specific and believable. : : :

16 Hubungan Media Masa




20 Kesimpulan Hal-hal yang baik dan harus dipertahankan:
This slide relates to material on p. 290. Hal-hal yang baik dan harus dipertahankan: Membangun jaringan yang telah ada Hal-hal yang baik yang masih sedikit dilakukan: Pembinaan atau pengkaderan Humas’ers Hal-hal yang baik yang belum dilakukan: Manajemen kedisiplinan kurang dilakukan Hal-hal yang buruk yang harusnya tidak dilakukan: Penugasan yang kurang terencana sebelumnya karena banyak tugas yang sifatnya insidental At the end of this lecture, you should: 1. Understand what product classes suggest about Place objectives. 2. Understand why some firms use direct channel systems while others work with intermediaries and indirect systems. 3. Understand how and why marketing specialists develop to make channel systems more effective. 4. Understand how to develop cooperative relationships and avoid conflict in channel systems. 5. Know how channel members in vertical marketing systems shift and share functions to meet customer needs. 6. Understand the differences between intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution.

21 Allah SWT, BPH’ers, HUmas’ers, Korbid kominfo,Media’ers,….dll
Thanks to: Allah SWT, BPH’ers, HUmas’ers, Korbid kominfo,Media’ers,….dll

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