1 Komunikasi Massa Pertemuan 5 Matakuliah: U0062/Strategi Manajemen Persuasi Tahun: 2006.

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1 1 Komunikasi Massa Pertemuan 5 Matakuliah: U0062/Strategi Manajemen Persuasi Tahun: 2006

2 2 Mass Communication Mass Communication is the term used to describe the academic study of various means by which individuals and entities relay information to large segments of the population all at once through mass media. Mass communication occurs when a small number of people send messages to a large anonymous and usually heterogeneous audience through the use of specialized communication media.

3 3 Mass Communication Mass Communication is the term used to describe the academic study of various means by which individuals and entities relay information to large segments of the population all at once through mass media. Mass Communication represents the creation and sending of a homogeneous message to a large heterogeneous audience through the media. Mass communication studies the uses and effects of the media by many as opposed to the study of human interaction as in other communication contexts.

4 4 Mass Communication The units of analysis for mass communication are the messages, the mediums, and the audience. Mass media is a term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience (typically at least as large as the whole population of a nation state). It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks and of mass- circulation newspapers and magazines.

5 5 Mass Communication Mass media is a term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience (typically at least as large as the whole population of a nation state). It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks and of mass- circulation newspapers and magazines. The units of analysis for mass communication are the messages, the mediums, and the audience.

6 6 Mass Communication The mass-media audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda. It is also gaining popularity in the blogosphere when referring to the mainstream media.

7 7 Komunikasi Massa Dalam komunikasi dikenal istilah komunikasi massa. Komunikasi massa menurut Michael W Gamble dan Teri Kwal Gamble (1988) :  Komunikator dalam komunikasi massa mengandalkan peralatan modern untuk menyebarkan atau memancarkan pesan secara cepat kepada khalayak yang luas dan tersebar. Pesan itu disebarkan melalui media modern pula antara lain surat kabar, majalah, televisi, film, atau gab. dari media tersebut.

8 8 Komunikasi Massa  Komunikator dalam komunikasi massa dalam menyebarkan pesan-pesannya bermaksud mencoba berbagi pengertian dengan jutaan orang yang tidak saling kenal atau mengetahui satu sama lain. Anonimitas audience dalam komunikasi massa inilah yang membedakan dengan jenis komunikasi yang lain. Bahkan pengirim dan penerima pesan tidak saling mengenal satu sama lain.

9 9 Komunikasi Massa  Pesan adalah publik. Artinya bahwa pesan ini bisa didapatkan dan diterima oleh banyak orang. Karena itu diartikan milik publik.  Sebagai sumber, komunikator massa biasanya organisasi formal seperti jaringan, ikatan, atau perkumpulan. Komunikatornya tidak berasal dari seseorang, tetapi lembaga. Lembaga inipun biasanya berorientasi kepada keuntungan bukan organisasi sukarela atau nirlaba.

10 10 Komunikasi Massa  Komunikasi massa dikontrol oleh gate keeper (pentapis informasi). Artinya, pesan yang disebarkan / dipancarkan, dikontrol oleh sejumlah individu dalam lembaga tersebut sebelum disiarkan lewat media massa. Ini berbeda dengan komunikasi antar pribadi, kelompok atau publik dimana yang mengontrol tidak oleh sejumlah individu. Beberapa individu dalam komunikasi massa itu ikut berperan dalam membatasi, memperluas pesan yang disiarkan.

11 11 Komunikasi Massa  Umpan balik dalam komunikasi massa sifatnya tertunda. kalau dalam jenis komunikasi lain, umpan balik bisa bersifat langsung.

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