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The steps to work with Power Point 2007 1. click Start> All Programs> Microsoft Office> Microsoft Office PowerPoint2007 klik Start>All Programs>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Office PowerPoint2007
To place the text or object that will be presented Untuk menempatkan teks atau objek yang akan dipresentasikan
2. On the Slide Panel right click and select duplicate slide several times as needed. Pada Slide Panel klik kanan dan pilih duplikat slide beberapa kali sesuai dengan kebutuhan
If you want to change the color, place the cursor on the slide or place holder and right click, then highlight the background format - choose what you prefer: a solid, texture, or gradient. Do not be afraid to keep trying!
3. Start by giving / format the background in the same way that is right click select format background. There are three options, namely: a. Solid b. Gradient; c. Picture or Texture. Mulailah dengan memberi / memformat Background dengan cara yang sama yaitu klik kanan pilih format background. Ada tiga pilihan yaituL a. Solid; b. Gradient;c. Picture or Texture
4. Keep each slide different colors / look and get used to always hit Ctrl S for saved. If you have saved, note the writing on the top left of the monitor. Usahakan tiap slide berbeda warna/tampilan dan biasakan selalu menekan Ctrl S agar tersimpan. Jika sudah tersimpan, perhatikan tulisan di kiri atas monitor. Sudah sesuaikah dengan apa yang anda ketikkan?
5. Begin typing in Place holder. Keep the clarity factor is a priority. If the dark backgound then fonts should be bright and large font sizes try. Mulailah mengetik pada Place holder. Usahakan faktor kejelasan menjadi prioritas. Jika backgound gelap maka font harus terang dan ukurannyapun usahakan besar.
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