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KULIAH III KEGAGALAN PASAR (MARKET FAILURES) Ketimpangan Pasar, Monopoli (Penjual tunggal) / Monopoli Alamiah Monopsoni (Pembeli Tunggal) Oligopoli (Penjual sedikit) Oligopsoni (Pembeli sedikit) Barang Publik (Public Goods) Bersaing (Rivalrous) atau tidak Dapat dikecualikan (Excludable) atau tidak Jenuh (congested) atau tidak Tugas Pemerintah Untuk Memenuhi atau Mengatur Ketersediaan Barang Publik
Pengabaian Eksternalitas
POSITIF NEGATIF Produsen ke Produsen Air hangat dari PLTN dimanfaatkan oleh peternak ikan Polusi bahan kimia merusak sungai tempat memancing Produsen ke Konsumen Hutan industri memberikan pemandangan untuk pencinta alam Polusi udara dari pabrik merusak paru-paru penduduk Konsumen ke Konsumen Imunisasi membantu dalam memproteksi orang lain Asap rokok mengurangi kenikmatan makan orang lain Konsumen ke Produsen Surat aduan dari konsumen memberikan informasi mengenai kualitas produk dan pelayanan Pemburu mengganggu ternak Asimetri Informasi (ketidaktepatan dan ketidakadilan informasi
RIVALROUS NONRIVALROUS Rivalrous, excludable Nonrivalrous, excludable Uncongested : Private good market efficient NW I Uncongested : Marketable public good Positive price can be charged (exclusion is possible) but will be inefficient as MSC = 0. If efficient price (0) is enforced, there will be no private supply NE 1 NW 2 NE 2 Congested : Private good with cosumption externality Overconsumption because consumers respond to price rather than MSC. Congested : Marketable public good when MSC is variable, price should be zero when MSC = 0. Positive when MSC > 0. Rivalrous, Nonexcludable Nonrivalrous, Nonexcludable SE 1 Uncongested : “free” good Supply exceeds demand at zero price: no inefficiency until demand grows beyond supply at zero price SW 1 Uncongested : Pure Public good No private supply is likely because exclusion is not possible. Inefficiency stems from lack of supply even though there are potential social benefits. May be exceptions to lack of private supply: privileged and intermediate groups. SW 2 SE 2 Congested : Common property resources Consumers respond to MPC rather than MSC-the result is inefficiency, including overconsumption, underinvestment, and rent dissipation Congested : Including Ambient public good No individual is able to exclude others so good is over consumed. Often possible to reformulate as an externality problem.
Kegagalan dalam menjalankan peran pemerintah dalam bidang Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya Demokrasi (Keadilan Politik) Birokrat (Aparat Pemerintahan) Birokrasi (Pelaksanaan Pemerintahan) Desentralisasi
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