Perusahaan dan Lingkungan Bisnis

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1 Perusahaan dan Lingkungan Bisnis
Dr. Bagus Nurcahyo, SE., MM.

2 Sistem Perusahaan Kombinasi dari semua sumber-sumber ekonomi yang langsung atau tidak langsung mempengaruhi produksi dan distribusi barang-barang dan jasa-jasa untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia.

3 Sistem Perusahaan

4 Sifat dari Sistem Perusahaan
Kompleks Merupakan suatu unit/kesatuan Berjenis-jenis Saling bergantung Dinamis

5 Lingkungan Perusahaan
Keseluruhan hal-hal atau keadaan ekstern Badan Usaha atau Industri yang mempengaruhi kegiatan Organisasi

6 Business Environment (Figure 1.2)
6TA 1-2 Business Environment This acetate covers information in the chapter involving the Business Environment and particularly the four key environments of business: .The Economic Environment .The Technological Environment .The Competitive Environment .The Social Environment 2. It’s especially important to go over this acetate with students. As students begin the course, it’s critical they are aware of exactly what is meant by the business environment and what components comprise this environment. By carefully going over the acetate, many of the important subject areas of the course can also be briefly introduced to students as they begin reading the first chapter of the text. 3. As the text notes, creating the right business environment is the foundation of social progress of all kinds within an economy. Many of the things we take for granted in the United States, including our schools, clean air and water, good health care, infrastructure improvements, job opportunities, etc., are the result of creating and maintaining the right business environment.

7 Environments of Business
Creating the right Business Environment is the foundation of social progress of all kinds within an economy Economic Technological Social Competitive Global

8 Economic Environment Freedom of ownership Contract laws
Elimination of corruption Tradable currency Minimum taxes & regulation

9 Government Affects Business By Being:
A Customer An Overseer and Regulator A Tax Collector

10 Technological Environment
Internet E-commerce Role of Intermediaries Responsiveness to Customer Information Management

11 Internet Impact Communications Access No Borders

12 E-commerce Explosion Flexibility Catalog size Customer Interaction
Transaction costs Size of purchase per transaction Integration Flexibility Catalog size Customer Interaction

13 Roles of Intermediaries

14 Competitive Environment
Customer Service Customer Demands Speed Community/Stakeholder Needs Employee Needs/Stockholders Natural/Ecological Concern

15 A Business and Its Stakeholders (Figure 1.4 )
TA 1-5 A Business and Its Stakeholders 1.Students need to understand exactly what the term stakeholder means and how various stakeholders affect the business and its environment. 2.Stakeholders are all the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies and activities of the organization. In other words, stakeholders are groups that are clearly affected by the products, policies, and practices of the firm. As the text notes, the challenge of the 21st century is to see that organizations work together to ensure all stakeholders’ needs are considered and satisfied as best as humanly possible. 3. Ask students who the stakeholders of their college are and how the college’s products, policies, and practices affect these stakeholders. See if students can expand on this discussion and relate other interdependencies of specific organizations and various stakeholders. Possible applications include: .automobile companies .pharmaceutical companies .local governments .local professional sports teams

16 Social Environment Diversity/Multicultural Aging/Graying of America
Two Income Families Single Parent Families

17 Global Environment Quality Productivity Changes

18 Dealing With A Multicultural Workforce
Show Respect for Culture/Value of Others Avoid Stereotyping Include All Workers in Acculturalization Be Empathetic But Be Yourself Avoid Imposing Your Culture/Values on others

19 World Population Milestones
Source:USA Today

20 Evolution of American Business
Agricultural/Manufacturing Service Industries Future???

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