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Presentasi berjudul: "COMPANY PROFILE."— Transcript presentasi:


2 ABOUT US MATAKAIL communication is a communication
company specializing in event organizer and consumer promo activity. We are a team of a dynamic creative talented persons. Established since February 2010, we have done some projects in Medan. We offers great value to our clients in strategic planning, creative event and promotion. We deliver top quality creative work, enabling clients to effectively communicate with their target audience.

3 Direct Consumer Contact
OUR SERVICES Product launching Music show Direct Consumer Contact Gathering & Meeting Expo/Exhibition

4 PORTFOLIO February,2010 “Launching TABUNGANKU Bank Indonesia untuk Medan,Lap.Merdeka ” “ Bankers Nite,Bank Indonesia “ Maret ,2010 “Launching ANDROIDS I-mobile, Sun Plaza Medan” Maret,2010 “i-mobile exhibitions,Plaza Medan Fair ” April ,2010 “ Blueberry Exhibitions ,Plaza Medan Fair “ April,2010 “XL festival gadget, Sun Plaza Medan” Mei,2010 “Catylac dealer gathering,Swiss bell Hotel ” “NEOZEP FORTE FUNBIKE MEDAN,Lapangan Merdeka ”

5 PORTFOLIO Juni,2010 “Kampanye Calon Walikota Medan,Lapangan Merdeka” Juli ,2010 “XL Internet broadband roadshow,Plaza Medan Fair” Juli,2010 “ Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional bersama Pepsodent” Malam Keakraban Jubelium HKBP 150 thn,JW Marriot Hotel “ Agustus,2010 “ XL Roadshow Internet sehat goes to school “ “ Nasabah Gathering CIMB NIAGA Preffferes ,JW Marriot “ “ Syukuran keluarga Sofyan Tan,Deli Plaza Medsn “

6 Addreses : Jl. Abdul Hakim No. 27 B
P.I C : ( Henny Pandiangan ) Office :

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