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Presentasi berjudul: "ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (MATERI TAMBAHAN)"— Transcript presentasi:

Select your language! (Pilih Bahasa) ENGLISH INDONESIA


3 INTRODUCTION This material is provided for 6th grade students of elementary school as additional supplement for the previous materials. It is divided into four English language skills, such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing. This media of learning contains of brief explanation and example of exercises. Lets’ check them out! MENU

4 READING Santa Claus Santa Claus is described like a grandfather. He is an old man. He has round face. His hair is white and straight. He has brown eyes. His eyebrows are white. He has flat nose and chubby cheeks. He also has a white thick moustache. His chin is covered with long white beard. He is quite tall and fat. His skin is white. He always wears a red hat, a red costume, and boots. He brings many toys in his big bag every Christmas. MENU

5 VOCABULARY BUILDING 1. Old = tua 2. round face = wajah bulat
3. straight hair = rambut lurus 4. flat nose = hidung pesek 5. chubby cheeks = pipi tembem 6. thick moustache = kumis tebal 7. long white beard = jenggot putih panjang 8. tall and fat = tinggi dan gemuk 9. brown eyes = mata cokelat 10. white skin = kulit putih MENU

6 QUESTIONS 1. Santa Claus is described like a grandmother.
D. State whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F) 1. Santa Claus is described like a grandmother. 2. Santa Claus is described as a young man. 3. He has round face. 4. His hair is black and straight. 5. His eyebrows are white. 6. He doesn’t have a thick moustache. 7. He is clean shaven. 8. He is short and thin 9. His skin is white. 10 He always wears a red hat, a red costume, and boots. MENU

7 KEY ANSWER 1. (F) -> Santa Claus is describe like a grandfathe r
2. (F) -> Santa Claus is described as an old man 3. (T) 4. (F) -> His hair is white and straight 5. (T) 6. (F) -> He has a thick moustache. 7. (F) -> He isn’t clean shaven. 8. (F) -> He is quite tall and fat 9. (T) 10. (T) MENU

8 LISTENING Click the button below at first to learn some words themed Christmas. Click here 2. After learn the vocabulary, then practice the pronunciation of the words themed Christmas by listening these sounds. MENU

9 VOCABULARY Santa Claus Christmas Tree Toys

10 VOCABULARY Stocking Present Candi Cane

11 VOCABULARY Reindeer Snow Man Sleigh

12 VOCABULARY Christmas Lights Bell Angel

13 VOCABULARY Elf Bow Mistletoe

14 What does he/she look like?
SPEAKING Practice a dialogue using this model! What does he/she look like? She/ He is….

15 SPEAKING “What does she/he look like?”
is kind of expression to ask someone’s physical appearance or description. The answer can be in form of adjective, for example : fat, slim, ugly, young, etc.

16 SPEAKING Practice the dialogue below with your partner!
Ahmad : “What are you doing?” Dika : “I’m writing a letter for Santa Claus” Ahmad : “He is old, isn’t he?” Dika : “Yes, he is.” Ahmad : “What does he look like?” Dika : “You know, he is old but he is strong.”

17 SPEAKING Practice the uncomplete dialogue below by describing the picture! Dina : “I met my uncle in last Christmas.” Dian : ”Oh, __________________ ?” Dina : “Well, he is ______ and ______.” Dian : “He is a handsome man, ________ ? Dina : “Yes, __________ .

18 SPEAKING Key Answer The answer of previous dialogue is free, depends on the picture. Dina : “I met my uncle in last Christmas.” Dian : ”Oh, what does he look like?” Dina : “Well, he is tall and young.” Dian : “He is a handsome man, isn’t he ? Dina : “Yes, he is. MENU

19 WRITING QUESTION TAG Pattern 1: Subject to be description Question Tag
You, They, We are tall aren’t _____? I am She, He, It is isn’t ______?

20 WRITING QUESTION TAG Pattern 2: Subject to be description Question Tag
You, They, We aren’t tall are _____? I am not am I ? She, He, It isn’t is ______ ?

21 WRITING Example Question Tag: a. We are young, aren’t we?
b. You are short, aren’t you? c. She isn’t pretty, is she? d. Mr. Amir is fat, isn’t he? e. They are handsome, aren’t they? MENU

22 CLOSING Finally, we hope that our presentations will be useful for you. Thanks for your attention and keep your spirit in learning English. MENU


24 PENGANTAR Materi ini disedikan untuk siswa siswi kelas 6 SD sebagai materi tambahan dari materi-materi yang telah ada sebelumnya dalam media pembelajaran ini. Materi ini dibagi menjadi empat komponen Bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai, seperti membaca, mendengar, berbicara, dan menulis. Media pembelajaran ini disajikan dengan penjelasan singkat dan beberapa contoh latihan. Mari kita lihat dan belajar bersama! MENU

25 MEMBACA Santa Claus Santa Claus is described like a grandfather. He is an old man. He has round face. His hair is white and straight. He has brown eyes. His eyebrows are white. He has flat nose and chubby cheeks. He also has a white thick moustache. His chin is covered with long white beard. He is quite tall and fat. His skin is white. He always wears a red hat, a red costume, and boots. He brings many toys in his big bag every Christmas. MENU

26 KOSA KATA 1. Old = tua 2. round face = wajah bulat
3. straight hair = rambut lurus 4. flat nose = hidung pesek 5. chubby cheeks = pipi tembem 6. thick moustache = kumis tebal 7. long white beard = jenggot putih panjang 8. tall and fat = tinggi dan gemuk 9. brown eyes = mata cokelat 10. white skin = kulit putih MENU

27 PERTANYAAN 1. Santa Claus is described like a grandmother.
D. Tentukanlah apakah pernyataan di bawah ini benar atau salah, sesuai dengan teks “Santa Claus”. True(T) jika benar dan False (F) jika salah. 1. Santa Claus is described like a grandmother. 2. Santa Claus is described as a young man. 3. He has round face. 4. His hair is black and straight. 5. His eyebrows are white. 6. He doesn’t have a thick moustache. 7. He is clean shaven. 8. He is short and thin 9. His skin is white. 10 He always wears a red hat, a red costume, and boots. MENU

28 JAWABAN 1. (F) -> Santa Claus is describe like a grandfathe r
2. (F) -> Santa Claus is described as an old man 3. (T) 4. (F) -> His hair is white and straight 5. (T) 6. (F) -> He has a thick moustache. 7. (F) -> He isn’t clean shaven. 8. (F) -> He is quite tall and fat 9. (T) 10. (T) MENU

29 MENDENGAR Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mempelajari kosa kata bertema Natal. Klik di sini Setelah mempelajari kosa kata, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mempelajari cara pengucapannya dalam Bahasa Inggris. MENU

30 KOSA KATA Santa Claus Christmas Tree Toys

31 KOSA KATA Stocking Present Candi Cane

32 KOSA KATA Reindeer Snow Man Sleigh

33 KOSA KATA Christmas Lights Bell Angel

34 KOSA KATA Elf Bow Mistletoe

35 What does he/she look like?
BERBICARA Praktekkan sebuah percakapan menggunakan contoh di bawah ini! What does he/she look like? She/ He is….

36 BERBICARA “What does she/he look like?”
Adalah pertanyaan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan ciri-ciri fisik seseorang Jawabannya bisa dalam bentuk kata sifat (adjective), contoh : fat, slim, ugly, young, etc.

37 BERBICARA Practice the dialogue below with your partner!
Ahmad : “What are you doing?” Dika : “I’m writing a letter for Santa Claus” Ahmad : “He is old, isn’t he?” Dika : “Yes, he is.” Ahmad : “What does he look like?” Dika : “You know, he is old but he is strong.”

38 BERBICARA Lengkapi dialog di bawah ini sesuai dengan gambar yang diberikan dan praktekkan dengan teman! Dina : “I met my uncle in last Christmas.” Dian : ”Oh, __________________ ?” Dina : “Well, he is ______ and ______.” Dian : “He is a handsome man, ________ ? Dina : “Yes, __________ .

39 BERBICARA Jawaban Jawaban dialog bebas, yang terpenting sesuai dengan ilustrasi berupa gambar yang diberikan. Dina : “I met my uncle in last Christmas.” Dian : ”Oh, what does he look like?” Dina : “Well, he is tall and young.” Dian : “He is a handsome man, isn’t he ? Dina : “Yes, he is. MENU

40 MENULIS QUESTION TAG Pola 1: Subject to be description Question Tag
You, They, We are tall aren’t _____? I am She, He, It is isn’t ______?

41 MENULIS QUESTION TAG Pola 2: Subject to be description Question Tag
You, They, We aren’t tall are _____? I am not am I ? She, He, It isn’t is ______ ?

42 MENULIS Contoh Question Tag: a. We are young, aren’t we?
b. You are short, aren’t you? c. She isn’t pretty, is she? d. Mr. Amir is fat, isn’t he? e. They are handsome, aren’t they? MENU

43 PENUTUP Akhir kata, kami berharap semoga presentasi ini bermanfaat untuk Anda. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan tetaplah bersemangat dalm belajar Bahasa Inggris. MENU


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