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Diterbitkan olehReynaldo Naufal Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
INOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP by : Rudy Wawolumaja Universitas Kristen Maranatha
SYLABUS PENDAHULUAN (session 1) INOVASI (session 2) –Inovasi & Kreativitas –Inovasi merubah wajah dunia –Model Inovasi (session 3) –Apakah perkembangan teknologi modern akhirnya membawa manfaat atau malapetaka bagi umat manusia. KEWIRAUSAHAAN IMPLEMENTASI : –Mengenal tiga penggerak untuk keberhasilan usaha –Entry Strategy –Business Plan –Usaha Kecil & Manajemen Usaha Kecil GROWTH : –Mengenal dan memahami kesempatan (opportunity recognition) –Kesempatan pasar dan pemasaran –Proyeksi Keuangan –Pendanaan.
IMPLEMENTASI SESSION 4 Rudy Wawolumaja / Universitas Kristen Maranatha
A VISION WITHOUT AN ACTION IS ONLY A DREAM, AN ACTION WITHOUT A VISION IS JUST PASSING BY THE TIME, AVISION WITH AN ACTION IS A MISSION. Unknown Do something, please do something, Do it right, or do it wrong, but do something damit. Desperate guy “Quote”
Implementasi Mengenal tiga penggerak untuk keberhasilan usahaEntry Strategy Entry Strategy Business Plan Usaha Kecil & Manajemen Usaha Kecil Proses ke 3 KEWIRAUSAHAAN
TIGA PENGGERAK YANG MENENTUKAN KEBERHASILAN SUATU USAHA. Jeffry Timmon's (9) mengemukakan tiga penggerak yang menentukan keberhasilan suatu usaha, dimana ketiga komponen tersebut harus selaras satu sama lainnya. Ketiga penggerak tersebut adalah : 1.Entrepreneur yang unggul. 2.Kesempatan - Opportunity yang menarik. 3.Sumber Daya – Modal, management, teknologi.
Timmons memodelkannya sbb.: OPPORTUNITYENTREPRENEUR FITS & GAP RESOURCES ketidakpastian
Sukses Usaha = perpaduan / interseksi entrepreneur + Resources + Opportunity Entrepreneur ResourcesOpportunity sukses SUKSES
Kemampuan mewakili entrepreneur dan sumber daya (management team, dana, modal, skill, sdm dll), Kesempatan (opportunity) adalah hal yang perlu dicermati, ditangkap dan dimengerti.
Kesempatan yang menarik, tepat ditangkap oleh wirausahawan dan dikatakan wirausahawan tersebut mendapat idee inovatif. Namun idee cemerlang saja tidak cukup, mengembangkan, mengimplementasi dan membuatnya menjadi bisnis yang berhasil, hal itulah yang lebih penting.
Contoh yang pernah dikemukakan, Alexander Flemming menemukan penicillin secara kebetulan dan penemuan tersebut belum memberi dampak yang luas, sampai 10 tahun kemudian Ernst Chain dan Howard Florey melihat potensi / opportunity dan mengembangkannya. Pada Perang Dunia II, penicillin menyelamatkan jiwa banyak sekali orang dan dianggap sebagai kemajuan dramatis dalam farmasi dan sebagai titik awal perkembangan antibiotik modern..
Dalam ke wirausahaan, sukses atau keberuntungan (luck) adalah dimana KESEMPATAN dan KEMAMPUAN bertemu. SUKSES
SO WHAT ?? JADI BAGAIMANA??? MUSTI APA ??? Kesempatan adalah faktor luar, diluar kendali entrepreneur. (leave it, kecuali utk penguasa/pemerintah – bagaimana menciptakan kesempatan – bukan utk sendiri ????) Kemampuan yg bisa diperkuat, termasuk bagaimana mengenali kesempatan.
Kemampuan Kesempatan Maximum SUKSES
3 variabel, 2 faktor EntrepreneurshipResourcesOpportunityMax. SUKSES Small BigSmall BigSmall Big Small BigSmall BigSmallBigSmall Big Small Big
Sejauh mana Entrepreneurship bisa dikembangkan ??????? Apakah entrepreneurship dapat dipelajari ? Entrepreneurship adalah art & science atau ketrampilan, seni dan pengetahuan. Pertanyaannya dapatkah entrepreneurship di ajarkan ? Beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu, banyak guru besar yang berpendapat bahwa hal ini tidak dapat diajarkan. Pada saat ini entrepreneurship umumnya diajarkan dalam kurikulum dan kurikulum tersebut terus berkembang dihampir semua sekolah bisnis di Amerika. Secara ilmiah dipelajari terus, bagaimana proses penciptaan bisnis baru terjadi, sehingga diperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik. Tentunya tidak dapat dijamin bahwa akan muncul Bill Gate baru, sama dengan seorang proffesor ilmu Fisika tidak dapat menjamin akan menghasilkan Alber Einstein yang lain, atau seorang pelatih tenis akan menghasilkan Martina Navratillova. Faktor kapasitas, bakat bisnis, latihan/pengalaman akan sangat menentukan kadar entrepreneurship.
Bakat sebagai Pembatas Pelatihan, pengembangan tidak dapat menjamin akan menghasilkan Bill Gate baru, sama dengan seorang professor ilmu Fisika tidak dapat menjamin akan menghasilkan Albert Einstein yang lain, atau seorang pelatih tenis akan menghasilkan Martina Navratillova. Faktor kapasitas, bakat bisnis, latihan/pengalaman akan sangat menentukan kadar entrepreneurship PELATIHAN MENGOPTIMALKAN SESEORANG MENCAPAI KAPASITASNYA YANG MAXIMAL
Implementasi Triggering Event / Kejadian pemicu Innovation Growth / Pertumbuhan Faktor : Pribadi Sosio Kultural Lingkungan Proses 1Proses 2Proses 3Proses 4 Empat Proses Entrepreneurship
ENTRY STRATEGY Merintis Usaha Baru (New Business) – Finding a Niche Membeli perusahaan orang lain Kerjasama Manajemen (Franchising)
1: List your reasons for wanting to go into business. Some of the most common reasons for starting a business are: –Self-management –Financial independence –Creative freedom –Full use of personal skills and knowledge Getting Started :
2: Next determine what business is right for you. Ask yourself these questions: –What do I like to do with my time? –What technical skills have I learned or developed? –What do others say I am good at? –Will I have the support of my family? –How much time do I have to run a successful business? –Do I have any hobbies or interests that are marketable?
Getting Started : 3: Identify your business niche. Research and answer these questions: –What business am I interested in starting? –What services or products will I sell? –Is my idea practical, and will it fill a need? –What is my competition? –What is my business's advantage over existing firms? –Can I deliver a better quality service? –Can I create a demand for my business?
Getting Started : 4: The final step before developing your plan is the pre-business checklist. You should answer these questions: –What skills and experience do I bring to the business? –What legal structure will I use? –How will my company's business records be maintained? –What insurance coverage will be needed? –What equipment or supplies will I need? –How will I compensate myself? –What are my resources? –What financing will I need? –Where will my business be located? –What will I name my business?
Merintis Usaha Baru (New Business) – Finding a Niche A market in its entirety is too broad in scope for any but the largest companies to tackle successfully. The best strategy for a smaller business is to divide demand into manageable market niches. Small operations can then offer specialized goods and services attractive to a specific group of prospective buyers. There are undoubtedly some particular products or services you are especially suited to provide. Study the market carefully and you will find opportunities
Defining a Company’s Business Definisi bisnis yang baik mencakup 3 faktor : – Customer needs -- WHAT is being satisfied (PRODUK ?, JASA?) – Customer groups -- WHO is being satisfied (MARKET ?) – Technologies used and functions performed -- HOW customer needs are satisfied (TEKNOLOGI?)
Buying a Business Many find the idea of running a small business appealing, but lose their motivation after dealing with business plans, investors, and legal issues associated with new start-ups. For those disheartened by such risky undertakings, buying an existing business is often a simpler and safer alternative.
Buying a Business Advantages The main reason to buy an existing business is the drastic reduction in start-up costs of time, money, and energy. In addition, cash flow may start immediately thanks to existing inventory and receivables. Other benefits include pre-existing customer goodwill and easier financing opportunities, if the business has a positive track record.
Buying a Business Disadvantages The biggest block to buying a small business outright is the initial purchasing cost. Because the business concept, customer base, brands, and other fundamental work has already been done, the financial costs of acquiring an existing business is usually greater then starting one from nothing. Other possible disadvantages include hidden problems associated with the business and receivables that are valued at the time of purchase, but later turn out to be non- collectable. Good research is the key to avoiding these problems.
Buying a Franchise Because of the risk and work involved in starting a new business, many new entrepreneurs choose franchising as an alternative to starting a new, independent business from scratch.
If you are concerned about the risk involved in a new, independent business venture, then franchising may be the best business option for you. But remember that hard work, dedication, and sacrifice are essential to the success of any business venture, including franchising.
What is Franchising ? A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name, or advertising symbol and an individual or group wishing to use that identification in a business. The franchise governs the method of conducting business between the two parties. Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services supplied by the franchisor or that meet the franchisor's quality standards.
Franchising is based on mutual trust between the franchisor and franchisee. The franchisor provides the business expertise (marketing plans, management guidance, financing assistance, site location, training, etc.) that otherwise would not be available to the franchisee. The franchisees brings to the franchise operation the entrepreneurial spirit and drive necessary to make the franchise a success.
There are primarily two forms of franchising: 1.Product/trade name franchising and 2.Business format franchising.
MENGENAL DAN MEMAHAMI KESEMPATAN (OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITION) Apakah kesempatan (opportunity) itu? Kesempatan erat kaitannya dengan kebutuhan, dimana ada kebutuhan (need), maka akan ada permintaan (demand), bila demand (permintaan) tersebut ada dalam waktu yang cukup dan dalam volume yang cukup, maka hal tersebut akan menjadi kesempatan bisnis
WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY MARKET SIZE RP / $ WAKTU (TAHUN) Window of opportunity 5-10 tahun
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