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Diterbitkan olehJulius Utami Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
1. PRESENT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang biasa kita lakukan misalnya setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan dan setiap tahun Rumus : (+) S + Verb 1 + ES/S + O + Adverb (-) S + Do/Does + Not + Verb 1 + O + adverb (?) Do/Does + S + Verb 1 + O + adverb Adverb = every day, every week, every month, every year
Do/does digunakan apabila ada kata kerja He does not work everyday Does he work everyday ?
It I We Do You They
Keterangan penambahan ES/S pada kata kerja
Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf Ch, Sh, SS, X dan O harus ditambahkan huruf ES, apabila subjeknya adalah HE, SHE, IT He watches tv everyday She goes to campus every Tuesday Selain kata kerja yang tidak berakhiran dengan huruf Ch, Sh, SS, X dan O dan masih bersubjek he, she, it. Maka kata kerjanya hanya ditambah huruf S He eats bread for breakfast
Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf Y yang didahului oleh huruf konsonan maka huruf Y diubah menjadi IES study She always studies English everyday
Contoh present tense 1. (+) They work everyday
(-) they do not work everyday (?) Do they work everyday 2. (+) We study English everyday (-) We do not study English Everyday (?) Do we study English everyday 3. (+) He drinks milk Every morning (-) He does not drink milk every morning (?) Does he drink milk every morning
Exercises Change these sentences into positive negative or Interrogative sentences I drive my car fast (-) Do you like watching television ? (+) She does not live near the park (+) She never eats vegetables (?) I usually go to bed early (-)
He She It I We You They Did
PAST TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau Rumus : (+) S + Verb 2 + O + Adverb (-) S + did + Not + Verb 1 + O + Adverb (?) Did + S + Verb 1 + O + Adverb
Adverb of past tense Yesterday Last week, month, year Two days ago Two weeks ago Two months ago Two years ago
Contoh : (+) He went to Bali last year
(-) He did not go to Bali last year (?) Did he go to Bali last year (+) Mr. John bought new car yesterday (-) Mr. john did not buy new car yesterday (?) Did Mr. John buy new car yesterday
Exercises Change these sentences into positive, negative or interrogative sentence The ministers attended the meeting (?) He did not write two letters yesterday (+) Did she come here yesterday (+) The man sold his house last week (-) The woman spoke with her daughter (?)
Simple Future Tense Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang Rumus : (+) S + Shall/will + Verb 1 + O + adverb (-) S +Shall/will + Not + Verb 1 + O + Adverb (?) Shall/Will + S + Verb 1 + O + Adverb (+) S + To be (is,am,are)+ Going to + Verb1 + O + Adverb (-) S + To be(is,am,are) + not + + Going to + Verb 1 + O + Adverb (?) To be(is,am,are) + S + Going to + Verb 1 + O + Adverb
Shall Will Shall/Will = Akan Going to = Akan I We He She It You They
I Will We You They Will
Adverb of Present Future
Tomorrow Next week Next Month Next year Contoh : He will buy new house tomorrow She will come here tonight I will call her tomorrow Contoh : He is going to buy new house tomorrow She is going to come here tonight I am going to call her tomorrow
Present Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk suatu perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan atau sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang Rumus : (+) S + To be (is,am,are) + Verb Ing + O + Adverb Sedang (-) S + To be(is,am,are) + not + Verb ing + O + adverb (?) To be (is,am,are) + S + Verb Ing + O + Adverb
To Be I am He She Is IT We You Are They Contoh :
I am studying English now She is cooking rice now They are playing football now My father is reading newspaper now She is not listening to the radio now My sister is writing a letter now Are you having breakfast now? Are you waiting for somebody? I am He She Is IT We You Are They
Present perfect continuous tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung/dilakukan pada saat sekarang Rumus : (+) S + Have/Has + Been + Verb Ing + O + Adverb (-) S + Have/Has + Not + been + Verb Ing + O + Adverb (?) Have/has + S + Been + Verb Ing + O + Adverb
CONTOH : 1. He has been staying in Bogor for two years 2. I have been waiting here for two hours 3. She has not been working in PT Garuda for two years 4. Have you been typing that letter for one hour ? 5. My daughter has been studying in Telkom for four years
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada waktu tak tertentu Rumus : (+) Subject +Has/have + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb (-) Subject + Has/Have + not + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb (?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb
(+) I have eaten bread this morning (-) I have not eaten bread this morning (?) Have I eaten bread this morning He has gone to surabaya yesterday He went to surabaya yesterday Have you gone to doctor? Have you seen that film? I have worked for two years I have got married since 1979 in Surabaya
Contoh : Saya senang berolahraga dari saya masih muda sampai sekarang I enjoy doing sport from I was child until now He is a soldier until now He has been a soldier until now I have worked in shopping center or mall
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