TUGAS PENGGANTI UTS Khusus peserta PWK: pilih salah satu topik. Membahas teori (1-3 artikel) oleh masing-2 anggota, bisa dilengkapi dg contoh kasus, dipresentasikan.

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Presentasi berjudul: "TUGAS PENGGANTI UTS Khusus peserta PWK: pilih salah satu topik. Membahas teori (1-3 artikel) oleh masing-2 anggota, bisa dilengkapi dg contoh kasus, dipresentasikan."— Transcript presentasi:

1 TUGAS PENGGANTI UTS Khusus peserta PWK: pilih salah satu topik. Membahas teori (1-3 artikel) oleh masing-2 anggota, bisa dilengkapi dg contoh kasus, dipresentasikan (ppt).

2 Topik Tugas Pariwisata Leisure, Tourism and Recreation. Component of Tourism. Tourism Attractions. Motivation of Tourist. Tourism System. Pattern of Tourist Visit. Urban Tourism. Rural Tourism. Ecotourism. Agrotourism. Adventure Tourism Geotourism.

3 Tourism Development in Coastal Areas. Tourism Development in Small Island. Development of Marine Tourism Impact of Tourism on Environment. Economic Impact of Tourism Development. Impact of Tourism on Local Communiities. Impact of Tourism on Culture. Impact of Tourism on LocalEconomy. Impact of Climate Change on Tourism. Impact of Tourism on Climate Change. Tourism Life Cycle.

4 Tourism, Culture, and Identity. Community Development Through Tourism. Community Based Tourism. Waterfront Tourism Development. Tourism in Remote Areas. Tourism Planning. Kelembagaan dalam Pariwisata. Sarana dan Prasarana dalam Pariwisata.

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