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Knowledge Management Presented By : Yuyun Adhi Prawoto Yuyun Adhi Prawoto Husin Husin Meifrida Eka Meifrida Eka Siti Fatima Siti Fatima Anggun Nan Tungga Anggun Nan Tungga “BA”
MEMAHAMI KNOWLEDGE SPIRAL ALIAS SECI MEMAHAMI KNOWLEDGE SPIRAL ALIAS SECI Ikujiro Nonaka membuat formulasi yang terkenal dengan sebutan SECI atau Knowledge Spiral. Konsepnya bahwa dalam siklus perjalanan kehidupan kita, pengetahuan itu mengalami proses yang kalau digambarkan berbentuk spiral, proses itu disebut dengan Socialization - Externalization – Combination - Internalization
Seven-Eleven, in its annual report, lists the efollowing as advantages of the market-dominance strategy: 1. Boosts distribution efficiency. 2. Improves brand awareness. 3. Increases system efficiency. 4. Enhances the efficiency of franchise support services. 5. Improves advertising effectiveness. 6. Prevents competitors entrance into the dominant area.
The responsibilities of the two are as follows:Seven-Eleven Japan responsibilities: 1. Development of supply and merchandise. 2. Providing the ordering system. 3. Cost of system operation. 4. Accounting. 5. Advertising. 6. Installation and remodeling of facilities. 7. 80% of utility costs.
Franchise owner responsibilities: 1. Operation and management of store. 2. Hiring and paying staff. 3. Ordering. 4. Maintaining store appearance. 5. Customer service.
Latar Belakang TOYOTA PRIUS Prius merupakan mobil hybrid pertama kali di Dunia Sambutan pasar cukup baik Memenangi berbagai macam penghargaan Merupakan revolusi dari toyota (produk, teknologi, proses development)
Toyota ingin memberikan terobosan besar dalam bisnis mobil abad 21 Toyota memilih Uchiyamada untuk menjawab hal itu Pembentukan tim G21 yang didukung penuh top management (Cont.)
Dalam Ba, leader harus memilih orang yang tepat untuk bisa diajak berinteraksi dan sharing knowledge. Efisiensi dan kecepatan dalam bekerja sangat penting dalam pengembangan suatu produk baru Bekerja bersama adalah point penting Tiap anggota tim harus mampu memberikan kontribusinya (pengetahuan) dan pandangan serta pendapatnya, kemudian disharingkan dalam satu pertemuan. Perlunya adanya kontinuitas hubungan antara anggota (email)
Three dialogical mechanisms for generating new knowledge
Nonaka´s theory of knowledge creation (1/3) Four modes of knowledge conversion Socialization Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge To InternalizationCombination Externalization Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge From
Nonaka´s theory of knowledge creation (2/3) Contents of knowledge created by the four modes (Socialization) Sympathized Knowledge Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge To (Internalization) Operational Knowledge (Combination) Systematic Knowledge (Externalization) Conceptual Knowledge Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge From
Nonaka´s theory of knowledge creation (3/3) “Organizational knowledge creation is a continuous and dynamic interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge” Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H. (1995) The Knowledge–Creating Company, OUP, New York
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