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1 Pertemuan 2 Object Oriented Understanding Matakuliah: M0446/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 0/0.

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1 1 Pertemuan 2 Object Oriented Understanding Matakuliah: M0446/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 0/0

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menunjukkan kegunaan dari analisis dan perancangan berorientasi object dan membuat sistem definisi

3 3 Outline Materi System Context Pengertian Sistem Siklus Pengembangan Sistem Rich Picture

4 4 user System Application Domain Problem Domain System Context

5 5 Problem DomainApplication Domain Payroll System Employee Contracts Work Schedule Personal Office Air Traffic Plane Flight Departure Flight Corridors Runaway Flight Position Part of the air traffic controller’s job Telephone Signal Signal Line Transmitter Receiver Part of the technical job Model

6 6 System Kumpulan dari komponen yang mengimplementasikan model dari requirement, function dan interface

7 7 System Architecture user Other system Interface Function Model system Mudah dimengerti Tidak ada keraguan

8 8 Air Traffic Controller Model ComponentFunction ComponentInterface Component Planes, flight departures, flight corridors, position, and the relation among them Plane change position, system update function, and change the model componen’s state Monitors, Printouts, other facilites to interact w/ users Connect to other system

9 9 Component Design Architectural Design Application Domain Analysis Problem Domain Analysis Specifications of components Model Requirements for use Specifications of architecture Siklus Pengembangan dengan OOAD

10 10 Siklus Pengembangan dengan OOAD Problem Domain analysis Application Domain analysis Architecture Design Component design Classes Structure Behavior Model Component Function Component Connected Components Usage Functions Interface Criteria Components Processes

11 11 Problem Domain Analysis Ada 3 kegiatan Mencari elemen dari Problem Domain yaitu Objects, classes, dan events Buat model berdasarkan hubungan strutural antara class dan objects yang dipilih Interaksi antar object dan class serta behaviour dari object dan class

12 12 Dasar Dari Analisis Problem Domain System Definition Classes Behaviour Structure Model Iterate

13 13 Analisis Problem Domain

14 14 Memodel dunia nyata seperti yang akan dilihat oleh pemakai Buat dahulu secara umum baru ke detil Dasar Dari Analisis Problem Domain

15 15 System Choice Tujuan: –Mengetahui karakteristik suatu sistem secara lengkap Konsep: –Definisi sistem: membuat penjelasan padat mengenai sistem yang terkomputerisasi, dalam bahasa natural.

16 16 System Definition

17 17 Rich Picture A rich picture is an informal drawing that presents the illustrator’s understanding of a situation. A rich picture focuses on important aspects of a situation, which are determined by the illustrator. See Figure 2.2 page 26

18 18 Ideas for symbols for Rich Pictures Process and Structure Things and People

19 19 Practical Advise Rich Pictures should: Contain a lot of information and be open to interpolation Present processes and structures in a coherent, well- balanced way; Show at least one problematic area; Point at several relevant computerized systems; Be rich, but not chaotic; Illuminate key aspects pf a situation in a way that promotes understanding at many levels; and Avoid representing data and data processing

20 20 Define Systems Principle: define alternative systems Create useful system definitions: –Use general terms and focus on emergent properties –Focus on ideas rather than describing the situation as it is –Make the definition brief and precise –Experiment with several system definitions –Go beyond habitual ways of thinking –Use the selection process to discover additional relevant properties

21 21 FACTOR CRITERION Functionality: The system functions that support the application-domain tasks Application Domain: those parts of an organization that administrate, monitor, or control a problem domain Conditions: The conditions under which the system will be developed and used Technology: Both the technology used to develop the system and the technology on which the system will run Objects: The main objects in the problem domain Responsibility: The system’s overall responsibility in relation to its context.

22 22 Principles (Conclusion) Appreciate the situation Cultivate new ideas Define alternative systems

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