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Bali Crown Travel World
PROFILE Bali Crown Travel World, mengambil konsep Boutique Travel yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi customer, dan Bali Crown Travel World berdiri pada tanggal 03 Nopember 2002 Bali Crown Travel World, The Boutique Travel Company, adalah Boutique agent company sebagai penyedia perjalanan wisata top service yang benar – benar costumer inginkan sesuai dengan harapan dan rencana yang mereka persiapan sebelumnya, dan membantu pemerintah dalam mempromosikan Indonesia sebagai Top destinasi wisata dunia dengan Boutique quality service sebagai motto perusahaan kami. Bali Crown Travel World, The Boutique Travel Company akan selalu membuat program – program yang up to date, yang selalu mengikuti perkembangan dan selera pasar, dengan high teknologi yang dapat mendukung system management modern, cepat, tepat sesuai dengan keinginan costumer dan mengutamakan kualitas manajemen pelayanan yang terbaik dikelas travel agent yang ada selama ini, serta mempunyai daya saing tinggi, Competitive, attractive,dengan sumber daya manausia yang professional dan program yang sangat menarik bagi costumer kami, sebagai brand image “ The Boutique Travel Company”
Strategically located in Bali & Asia Pacific area Highly reputed international standard as The Boutique Travel Company AREA OF EXPERTISE: All Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Hongkong Chin Vietnam Korea Europe Japan
RANGE OF SERVICES * Worldwide Outbound Tour Programs
* Incentive Customized tour Program * Meeting, Convention & Exhibition Planning & Event * Inbound & Domestic Tour Program * Golf Tournament * Luxury Hotel * International & Domestic Airlines Reservation * International & Domestic Ticketing * Hotel Contract Rate * Bali Crown Villa Management * International & Domestic Package Tour * Bali Crown Out Bound Program * Bali Crown C E O ( Tailor Made Program) * Wedding Package * Bali Crown Transportation & Car Rent Car * Cruises, Cruiser line
MEMBERSHIP * ASITA (Association of Indonesia,Travel Agency)
* PATA ( Pacific Travel Association) * SITE ( Society of Incentive Travel Excutives)
EVENT SUMMARY May’2004 Opening of Bali Crown Travel World, The Boutique Travel Company June’2005 PT.Niko Securities Celeberation 150 pax June’2005 Wall Disney meeting at Nusa Dua 300 pax July’2005 Trioncort Limited, Incentive Group 650 pax Aug’2005 BRI Cabang Baru Incentive Group 100 Sept’2005 Song Flower Cruiser 380.pax Sept’2005 AMEX America Company meeting 150 pax Oct’ Asia Pacific Trade Meeting & Gathering 500 pax Dec’2005 Participant Bali For the World at Kuta 5000 pax Jan’ Megaratu Gathering 250 pax Feb’2006 Golf Tournament at Bali Handara Country Club Mar’2006 Mild Live Concert May’2006 Bali Starling Meeting 350 Asia Pacific July’2006 Surfing Bali Grommet Contest 400, 50 country Participant Nov’2006 Rotary Club Bali for The World 250 pax Dec’2006 Radio Broadcast ASPAC 150 pax Feb’2006 Tekom gathering Bali for the World 2500 pax Jul’ Foster’s Rookies Group 400 pax Dec’2006 All Star Surf Contest 125 pax Mar’2007 Telkomsel Jakarta 591 pax July’2007 Wom Finance Incentive Aug’2007 Tekomsel Palembang Incentive Tour 200 pax Aug’2007 BNI Manado 100 pax Sep’2007 Diparda Ambon Study Banding 98 Sep’2007 BRI Cabang Baru Incentive 275 pax Sep’2007 Telkomsel Sejabotabek, Training 250 pax Oct’2007 Manulife meeting 450 pax Oct’2007 Asia Pacific Police Forum 120,pax Oct’2007 Bali For The World 1200 Nov’2007 Bali Visit for peace 1400 pax Gathering gala Dinner Dec’2007 Pharmacies meeting 300 pax
EVENT SUMMARY Jan’2008 Piping System Indonesia Meeting 200 pax
Feb’2008 FJL Singapore Meeting 275 pax Jun’2008 PT. Tonikitex Mfg Incentive 1800 pax Aug’2008 PT. BEHAESTEX group company 200 pax Oct’ PT. Interdomesticindo Traco Incentive Oct’ PT. Telkomsel Bandung Oct’ BNI 46 Makasar Incentive Oct’ PT. Telkomsel Jakarta Training 187 pax Nov’2008 PT. PANASONIC GALADINNER 575 Pax Nov’2008 PT. Surya group Incentive Dec’2008 PT. Nusatrindo Sejati incentive Dec’2008 Song of Flower Cruiser 275 pax Dec’2008 PT. Telkomsel 200 pax Jan’ Media Kompas Jan’ BNI 46 Jakarta 150 pax Feb’2009 Telkomsel Nusa Tenggara 250 pax Apr’2009 Group Pendeta yogyakarta 50 pax Apr’2009 Group Dharma Wanita DKI jakarta 200 pax” Romantic Gala Dinner Apr’2009 Group gereja Manado 150 pax Apr’2009 Australia Surfing Group 750 pax Apr’2009 Wedding Party 300 pax May’2009 Fun Road Rally 90 pax Feb’2009 Vietnam Sport & Culture Ministry Mar’2009 Rombongan Study banding DPRD Manado May’2009 Education Trip Directorat Economic Malaysia Juni, Rombongan Bank Mandiri Juni, Group Jubilee International School Jakarta 480 pax
EVENT SUMMARY Juli , 10, 2009 Group Int’l School of Philipine
Juli, 27, Nestle Group Raja Gala Dinner at Le Meridien Aug 05’2009 Anthony Robbin Meeting 1800 pax Aug 10’2009 Alabaster Lighting meeting 450 pax Aug 17’2009 Medical Sex council meeting 500 pax Sep 05’2009 Ms. Thailand Gathering 55 pax Sept 09’2009 Epson Group meeting 250 pax, Sept 13’2009 Manu life Insurance Incentive group 450 pax Sept 18’2009 Nestle Incentive group 575 pax Sept 22’2009 Canon group meeting 200 pax Sept 23’2009 Niko Security system meeting 350 pax Sept 28’2009 Indonesia Pharmacy Gathering Nov 04’2009 Prince Khalid Family Trip 35 pax Nov 08’2009 Uno Office System 425 pax Nov 09’2009 Optic Seis Meeting 250 pax Nov 15’2009 Wismilak Golf Tournament 90 pax Nov 16’2009 Pertamina Indonesia Energy Group 300 pax Nov 18’2009 Indo Pipie Meeting group gathering 900 pax Nov 22’2009 PT. Indonesia Steel Tube conference 850 pax Nov 25’2009 Holland American Cruiser group 600 pax Nov 27’2009 Associate Doctor Indonesia Meeting 300 pax Dec 05’2009 Asia Pacific Ministers meeting 150 pax Dec 08’2009 Asia Pacific Economic Forum 200 pax Dec 11’2009 Associate Dentist Indonesia meeting 300 pax Dec 15’2009 Indonesia Bursa Effect Gathering 500 pax Dec 17’2009 Asia Pacific Telecommunication meeting 375 pax
EVENT SUMMARY Jan 15’ 2010 Panasonic Incentive Group 200 pax
Jan 17’ Sai Global Assurance Services incentive 50 pax Jan 19’ Iwamatex Trading company 150 pax Jan 20’ Parvi Profesional Photo & Video Gathering Jan 23’ Asia Pacific Ro. Water Purifier & water Treatment System 250 pax Jan 23’2010 Solar hart Incentive group 75 pax Jan 25’2010 Wilde And Woollard Indonsia Group 300 pax Jan 27’2010 Indonesia Accounting & Tax Consultant 250 pax Jan 27’2010 CBM, Digital & Advertising Group 125 pax Jan 29’2010 Indonesia Agricultural meeting 375 pax Jan 29’2010 LG Commercial Air Conditioner Group 250 pax Jan 31’2010 Coca – Cola CCBI group gathering 575 pax Feb 03’2010 East Petroleum Corporation Group 325 pax Oct 20,2010 CIMB Niaga Annual Meeting and gathering Group 150 pax)
by Bali Crown Travel World
MEMBERSHIP * ASITA (Association of Indonesia,Travel Agency)
* PATA ( Pacific Travel Association) * SITE ( Society of Incentive Travel Excutives)
The Boutique Travel Company
Bali Crown Travel World The Boutique Travel Company Jakarta Tebet Barat IIC No. 1A. Taman Tebet Barat. Jakarta 12810 Ph. / Fax : 62 – 21 – Jl.Kertha Winangun II, block Teratai no.18B,Sidakarya,Denpasar, Bali. License no /1414/Disparda /2004
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