Peranan lemak dan minyak terhadap kesehatan: biota laut.

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1 Peranan lemak dan minyak terhadap kesehatan: biota laut.
Materi 5 Peranan lemak dan minyak terhadap kesehatan: biota laut. Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria

2 Omega 6 Omega 3

3 Body needs both omega 3 and 6
Linoleic linolenic

4 Jenis Asam Lemak Minyak Kelapa Minyak Inti Sawit (%)a Sawit (%)b (%)b Asam Kaprat 4,9 – 9,5 Asam Kaprilat 5,5 – 9,5 - 3 – 4 Asam Kaproat 0,0 – 0,8 3 – 7 Asam Laurat 44,0 – 52,0 46 – 52 Asam Miristat 13,0 – 19,0 1,1 – 2,5 14 – 17 Asam Palmitat 7,5 – 10,5 40 – 46 6,5 – 9 Asam Palmitoleat 0,0 – 13,1 Asam Stearat 1,0 – 3,0 3,6 – 4,7 1 – 2,5 Asam Oleat 5,0 – 8,0 39 – 45 13 – 19 Asam Linoleat 1,5 – 2,5 7 – 11 0,5 - 2 Asam Arakhidonat 0,0 –0,4




8 Review: lipid function
Concept: essential fatty acid = essential food lipid there are natural metabolism based on human evolution Any disturbances (or over capacity) in the metabolism can cause diseases food lipid: improve metabolism (functional food)

9 Fat for energy too much food fat will be accumulated as body fat
(no good) Func fd Should improve Body Fat utilization


11 Lemak tubuh/cadangan Sebagai sumber Energi: Dr adiposit Darah Hati/otot 1. b-oxydation Lalu acetyl CoA/citric acid cycle: Energi/glukosa/asam amino/ 2. Sintesis komponen lain Steroid, kolesterol,glikoprotein,

12 Protein in lipid transport

13 Cholesterol Transportation Food incresing HDL reduce body Cholesterol, But not too much Cholesterol is important

14 LDL receptor protein is important in cholestrl Clearing. It can be protected by sufficient food antioxidants

15 FA-CoA memasuki matrix mitokondria dgn bantuan carnitine dan enzimnya
Lalu mengalami b-oxydation: producing ATP

16 Body can make its own carnitine
It is better to supply sufficient Food protein as the raw material

17 Hibernasi: oksidasi lemak tubuh selama tidur berbulan-bulan (musim dingin)

18 Oksidasi bentuk Cis bukan trans: Kesalahan metabolism Asam Lemak trans
Oxydasi pada ikatan rangkap Memerlukan Enzim ……. Oksidasi bentuk Cis bukan trans: Kesalahan metabolism Asam Lemak trans

19 Too much body fat oxidation Produce ketone Bodies which Reduce body alkalinity


21 It is important to provide
Essential fatty acid from food To synthesize lipid membrane


23 All Cell membrane needs unsaturated lipid. Including cholesterol

24 Fungsi struktural lipid

25 Food must provide vitamins for optimal lipid metabolism

26 Research on functional food to improve enzyme
Activities in fal metabolism and utilizations

27 One of the many proteins in fat utilization needs vitamins

28 Body fat accumulation from Carbohydrate Over eating

29 Food influencing this Hormons Influence body fat metabolism

30 Our body needs Only linoleate And linolenate To produce all Kinds of fatty acids It needs For cell membrane

31 All kinds of necessary Membrane lipid can then Be synthesize

32 Membrane Lipid can be Destroyed, resulting bioactive Chemicals that can produce Inflamation, imune response Functional foods controlling These reactions, control Inflamation, vascular Endothelium cells

33 Diiferent enzyme produce different bioactive chemicals,
Influence inflamation. This is non inflamation products

34 Example of a compound controlling inflamation



37 Functional foods help body making perfect cell membrane



40 Choline: important compound
Of membrane lipid, can be synthesized with Serine and methionine

41 Our body can produce palmitic acid. When needed. Take fat food containing Palmitic acid To produce nerve cell membrane

42 Important lipid in nerve and
Brain cells

43 Body makes cholesterol from acetyl


45 Squalene is a step in body
cholesterol synthesis (long steps)

46 Important enzyme in cholesterol synthesis Functional foods can control this step

47 ACAT is important in cholestrl
Storage and distribution Functional foods controlling this enzyme Control body cholstr

48 Lipid transportations


50 Foods Influencing These Lipoproteins Influence.. …………..

51 Lecithin is important Food containing lecithin…..

52 LDL cholesterol in cell
Can be reduced by foods Containing compounds ……………


54 Cholesterol is a precursor
For many hormones Body needs sufficient Cholesterol but not over


56 Thank You!

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