LINGKUNGAN Muh Azis Muslim. ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Production and logistics Research and development HR and HRD/ Human resource management.

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1 LINGKUNGAN Muh Azis Muslim

2 ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Production and logistics Research and development HR and HRD/ Human resource management Marketing and sales Personnel Leadership People are everywhere Other companies

3 LINGKUNGAN Secara umum diartikan sebagai sesuatu yg tdk berhingga (infinit) dan mencakup seluruh elemen yang tdp di luar suatu organisasiSecara umum diartikan sebagai sesuatu yg tdk berhingga (infinit) dan mencakup seluruh elemen yang tdp di luar suatu organisasi Untuk Analisis, lingkungan adalah seluruh elemen yg tdp di luar batas-batas organisasi, yg mempunyai potensi utk mempengaruhi sebagian ataupun suatu organisasi secara keseluruhan.Untuk Analisis, lingkungan adalah seluruh elemen yg tdp di luar batas-batas organisasi, yg mempunyai potensi utk mempengaruhi sebagian ataupun suatu organisasi secara keseluruhan.

4 (a) Competitors, industry size and competitiveness, related issues (b) Suppliers, manufacturers, real estate, services (c) Labor market, employment agencies, universities, training schools, employees in other companies, unionization (d) Stock markets, banks, savings and loans, private investors (e) Customers, clients, potential users of products and services (f) Techniques of production, science, computers, information technology (g) Recession, unemployment rate, inflation rate, rate of investment, economics, growth (h) City, state, federal laws and regulations, taxes, services, court system, political processes (i) Age, values, beliefs, education, religion, work ethic, consumer and green movements (j) Competition from and acquisition by foreign firms, entry into overseas markets, foreign customs, regulations, exchange rates An Organization’s Environment (j) International Sector (d) Financial Resources Sector (e) Market Sector (f) Technology Sector (g) Economic Conditions Sector (a) Industry Sector (h) Government Sector (c) Human Resources Sector (b) Raw Materials Sector (i) Sociocultural Sector ORGANIZATION DOMAIN

5 Market Sub-environment Customers Advertising Competitors agencies Distribution system Manufacturing Sub-environment Labor Raw Suppliers materials Production equipment Scientific Sub-environment Scientific Research journals centers Professional associations Organizational Departments Differentiate to Meet Needs of Sub-environments President R & D Division Sales Division Manufacturing Division

6 KETIDAKPASTIAN LINGKUNGAN Pengaruh lingkungan thd organisasi dpt dianalisis melalui 2 dimensi : Uncertainty (Ketidakpastian)Uncertainty (Ketidakpastian) Keadaan dimana pimpinan organisasi tdk mempunyai informasi yg cukup Complexity (Keragaman)Complexity (Keragaman) Heterogenitas/banyaknya elemen eksternal yg berpengaruh thd berfungsinya suatu organisasi

7 Low Uncertainty 1. Mechanistic structure; formal, centralized 2. Few departments 3. No integrating roles 4. Current operations orientation; low speed response High-Moderate Uncertainty 1. Organic structure, teamwork; participative, decentralized 2. Few departments, much boundary spanning 3. Few integrating roles 4. Planning orientation; fast response High Uncertainty 1. Organic structure, teamwork; participative, decentralized 2. Many departments differentiated, extensive boundary spanning 3. Many integrating roles 4. Extensive planning, forecasting; high speed response Low-Moderate Uncertainty 1. Mechanistic structure; formal, centralized 2. Many departments, some boundary spanning 3. Few integrating roles 4. Some planning; moderate speed response Contingency Framework for Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Responses Uncertainty ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE STABLE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLEXITY UNSTABLE SIMPLECOMPLEX

8 Cara Adaptasi Organisasi Perubahan Internal (struktur, pola kerja, perencanaan dll)Perubahan Internal (struktur, pola kerja, perencanaan dll) Menguasai dan mengubah kondisi lingkunganMenguasai dan mengubah kondisi lingkungan

9 Struktur Organisasi Kompleksitas struktur organisasiKompleksitas struktur organisasi Peredam (Buffers)Peredam (Buffers) James Thompson menggambarkan organisasi sbg suatu inti teknis peleksana produksi yg dikelilingi oleh sejumlah bagian peredam.

10 ELEMEN PERBATASAN (BOUNDARY SPANNING) Elemen perbatasan menghubungkan dan menyelaraskan organisasi thd unsur-unsur penting dari lingkungannya, baik berupa individu maupun organisasi lain.Elemen perbatasan menghubungkan dan menyelaraskan organisasi thd unsur-unsur penting dari lingkungannya, baik berupa individu maupun organisasi lain.

11 Fungsi BOUNDARY SPANNING Mendeteksi & memproses informasi mengenai perubahan yg terjadiMendeteksi & memproses informasi mengenai perubahan yg terjadi Mempresentasikan organisasi thd lingkunganMempresentasikan organisasi thd lingkungan

12 CARA MENGUASAI / MENGENDALIKAN LINGKUNGAN Mengusahakan Hubungan Baik Dengan Elemen Terpenting OrganisasiMengusahakan Hubungan Baik Dengan Elemen Terpenting Organisasi –Integrasi melalui merger –Kontrak/Joint Ventures –Kooptasi & interlocking Directorates –Iklan & Humas

13 CARA MENGUASAI / MENGENDALIKAN LINGKUNGAN Membentuk Lingkungan Agar Tidak Berbahaya & Menguntungkan Organisasi Mengubah bidang kegiatanMengubah bidang kegiatan Kegiatan PolitikKegiatan Politik Assosiasi pengusaha sejenisAssosiasi pengusaha sejenis

14 Relationship Between Environmental Characteristics and Organizational Actions Environmental domain (ten sectors) High complexity Establishment of favorable linkages: ownership, strategic alliances, cooptations, interlocking directorates, executive recruitment, advertising, and public relations Organic structure and systems with low formalization, decentralization, and low standardization to enable a high-speed response Many departments and boundary roles Greater differentiation and more integrators for internal coordination High uncertainty High rate of change Scarcity of valued resources Resource dependence Control of the environmental domain: change of domain, political activity, regulation, trade associations, and illegitimate activities EnvironmentOrganization

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