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Pengembangan Strategi SI/TI
Konteks Strategi SI/TI (Sullivan, 1985)
Internal organization pressures: demanding further distribution of IS/IT control High Diffusion: degree of decentrali- zation of IS/IT control in the organization Opportunistic Complex External competitive pressures: increasing the criticality of IS/IT to the business Backbone Traditional Low Low High Infusion-degree of dependence of IS/IT of the business
Low Diffusion / Low Infusion
Kontrol sumber daya TI higly centralized SI tidak critical terhadap bisnis Menggunakan TI hanya untuk meningkatkan efisiensi Low diffusion/high infusion Higly Centralized dan SI critical terhadap bisnis
High diffusion/low infusion
Largely Decentralized dan SI tidak critical terhadap bisnis High diffusion/high infusion Largely Decentralized dan SI critical terhadap bisnis (bisnis tergantung dengan sistem)
Definisi Strategi Bisnis
Definition of business strategy:An integrated set of actions aimed at increasing the long-term well-being and strength of the organization relative to its competitors The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives
Teknik untuk mengembangkan Strategi Bisnis: Competitive Forces in Industry (Porter, 1980)
Threat of new entrants Rivalry among existing competitors Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of buyers Threat of substitute product
Strategi Kompetitif Generik
Low Cost Competitive Advantage Differen- tiation
Implikasi Strategi Bisnis Kompetitif terhadap Strategi IS/IT
Bagaimana IS/IT mempengaruhi nilai produk atau service dan siklusnya? Buat produk baru atau bisnis baru Mengupayakan produk untuk didesain atau dikirimkan lebih cepat Mengupayakan fitur tambahan atau servis untuk meningkatkan nilai produk
Bagaimana SI/TI mempengaruhi permintaan produk dan servis, segmen lebih efektif, perluasan secara geografis, atau membukan saluran distribusi baru untuk mencapai pasar?
Memungkinkan untuk mencapai pelanggan yang lebih sesuai
Memungkinkan untuk menyesuaikan produk/servis yang berbeda kepada pelanggan yang sesuai Memungkinkan produk/servis untuk didistribusikan dengan cara yang baru ke pelanggan Memungkinkan untuk lebih dekat ke pasar dibandingkan melalui perantara
Contoh bagaimana IS/IT mempengaruhi competitive forces di industri penerbangan
How can IS/IT build barriers to new entry? By increasing IT entry cost for reservation systems. By tying in distribution channels (travel agencies). How can IS/IT build in switching costs for customer? By linking purchasing and remittance systems to reduce overheads of customer. Discount/volume packages to discourage piecemeal purchase. How can IS/IT change the basis of competition? Lower costs: optimize yield per aircraft. Differentiate service:reconfiguring aircraft due to demand. Niche/focus service into high yield sectors (business travel) How can IS/IT change the balance of power in supplier/customer relationship? Agent is constantly aware of seat availability of competing airlines. Airline can readily promote unsold capacity via chosen agents. How can IS/IT generate new products/services? Integrated travel package to high mileage business customers—by passing agencies. New routes/schedule to cater for demand.
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