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Business and Marketing Strategy

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1 Business and Marketing Strategy

2 Hierarchy of Strategy Corporate strategy Business strategy Functional

3 Corporate Strategy Desribes a company’s overall direction in terms of its general attitude toward growth and the management of its various businesses and product lines. Contoh : dari toko buku terbesar online didunia menjadi toko terbesar on line di dunia

4 Corporate Strategy Karakteristik strategi korporasi yg efektif (Michael Porter) Posisi kompetitive yg unik bagi perusahaan Aktivitas disesuaikan dengan strategi Keberlangsungan diperoleh melalui aktivitas sebagai suatu sistem, tidak bagian-per bagian Kegiatan operasional yg efektif merupakan suatu keharusan

5 Corporate Strategy Strategi Korporasi meliputi :
Menetapkan visi korporasi Menetapkan Tujuan Kemampuan (Capabilities) Komposisi Bisnis Struktur, Sistem Dan Proses

6 Menetapkan Visi Visi Manajemen didefinisikan, akan menjadi perusahaan apa, aktivitasnya apa dan bagaimana mengelola & mengembangkan perusahaan. Perusahaan akan dibawa kemana pada masa mendatang. Visi akan dijabarkan dalam misi perusahaan

7 Menetapkan Tujuan Tujuan dibutuhkan agar kinerja perusahaan dapat diukur. Tujuan perusahaan meliputi : pemasaran, inovasi, sumber daya, produktivitas, tanggung jawab social dan keuangan (meningkatkan kualitas produk, pertumbuhan panga pasar)

8 Kemampuan (Capabilities)
Strategi Perusahaan perlu focus pada kemampuan yang berbeda. Kemampuan meliputi bersaing pada pasar yang berbeda, menghasilkan nilai bagi konsumen dan menciptakan penghalang bagi pesaing yang ingin meniru.

“Menjadi Universitas yang Unggul dalam mutu, kepeloporan dan kewirausahaan serta berwawasan global yang bertumpu kepada sistem kerjasama dan budaya akademik.”

10 MISI “Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi, Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki intelektualitas dan berdaya saing tinggi”

11 TUJUAN Mendidik mahasiswa agar berjiwa penuh pengabdian serta memiliki rasa tanggung jawab yang besar terhadap masa depan bangsa dan Negara Indonesia sehingga bermanfaat bagi usaha-usaha pembangunan nasional dan pembangunan daerah Mendidik mahasiswa dalam suatu suasana pergaulan internasional dengan pemuda-pemudi dari berbagai bangsa agar dapat duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan berbagai bangsa di dunia

12 TUJUAN Memberikan kemampuan intelektual dengan pengetahuan yang sesuai dan mengarahkan pada kemampuan KEWIRAUSAHAAN yang tinggi dan handal. Mengembangkan tata kehidupan kampus yang memadai dan tampak jelas corak khas kepribadian Indonesia.

13 CORPORATE STRATEGY Deciding the Scope and Purpose of the Business
Objectives Actions and Resources for Achieving Objectives

Vertical Disaggregation Internal Redesign New Organizational Forms

15 PERUBAHAN ORGANISASI Pengurangan secara vertikal (Vertical Disaggregation) : Mengurangi ukuran organisasi melalui pengurangan pekerjaan & penempatan middle manager serta tingkatan organisasi (downsizing)

16 PERUBAHAN ORGANISASI Mendesain ulang secara internal (Internal Redesain) : Mendesain ulang organisasi menjadi lebih ramping, fleksibel, menyesuaikan dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan konsumen & permintaan pasar. Perubahan bisnis meliputi inovasi produk maupun memperbaiki jaringan distribusi.

17 PERUBAHAN ORGANISASI Membentuk Organisasi Baru (New Organization Form) : Perubahan yang dikaitkan dengan organisasi lain dan proses yang digunakan sebagai dasar konsep organisasi. Organisasi harus memperluas hubungannya dengan pemasok, konsumen maupun pesaing. Organisasi baru ini disebut : Jaringan (Network). Mereka dapat melakukan kerja sama.

18 Business Strategy Occurs at business unit and it emphasizes improvement of the competitive and cooperative strategy. Staples has used a competitive strategy to differentiate its retail stores from its competitors by adding services to its store such as copying, and UPS shipping British Airways has followed a cooperative strategy by forming an alliance with American Airlines in order to provide global services.

19 MARKETING STRATEGY Strategic marketing:
Developing a vision about the markets of interest to the organization, select market target strategies, setting objectives, and developing, implementing and managing the marketing program positioning strategies designed to meet the value requirements of customers in each market target

20 Marketing Strategy Process
This slide relates to the material on pp and corresponds to Exhibit 1-2a on p. 16 and Transparency 2. Situation analisis Summary Overview It is important for students to realize that marketing does in fact “make something.” It’s just that our “something” is often intangible or at least not as visible (like a distribution system) to the customer as the product on the shelf. In mature economies, “something” includes product information, research, need-based changes, convenience, and a host other value-added activities often taken for granted. But more fundamentally, marketing is the vehicle by which all economies evolve Key Concepts of Macro-Marketing Systems Development Pure Subsistence Economy. Under this system, every family produces all they need. No exchanges occur and no macro-marketing system exists. Markets. When families begin to produce more than they need of some things and develop new needs or wants for things they do not produce, the concept of a market evolves. Initially, the family simply trades, or barters, some of their excess items for the excess items offered by another family. Later, a central market develops where the families go to barter more conveniently. Middlemen. Central markets still take time. Among the first macro-marketing system elements to emerge is the middleman - a person who specializes in trade rather than production. Because of the expertise of this person, a “something” is added to the exchange process. More formally, by bringing buyers and sellers (or traders) together more efficiently, middlemen (intermediaries) contribute time and place utility. Monetary System. Very quickly now, people realize the need to standardize trade. Bartering takes a lot of time and limits exchanges to specific product forms for both buyer and seller. The introduction of money allows the middleman to expand services, create inventories, and offer inducements for even greater choice in the central market. Implementing and managing marketing strategy Designing marketing strategy Marketing program development Exhibit 1-2A 1-7

21 SITUATION ANALYSIS Market Vision, Structure, and Analysis Continuous
Learning About Markets Segmenting Markets

22 Disigning Marketing Strategy
Market targeting and strategic positioning Tujuan market targeting strategy : adalah untuk memilih orang atau organisasi yang ingin dilayani kebutuhannya pada pasar produk. Biasanya dipilih satu atau beberapa segmen saja

23 Product-Market Strategies
Existing products New products Market Penetration Product Development Existing markets Market Development Diversification New markets

24 Market Penetration Strategy
Seeking a larger market share in a market in which organization already has an offering This strategy involves: Attempts to increase present buyer’s usage or consumption rates of the offering Attracting buyers of competing offerings Stimulating product trial among potential consumers

25 Market Development Strategy
Introducing its existing offerings to markets other than those that the organization is currently serving. Reaching new markets requires: Carefully considering competitor strengths and weaknesses Different distribution outlets Change in sales effort and advertising

26 Market Development in the International Arena
Exporting Licensing Joint Venture or Strategic Alliance Direct Investment

27 Product Development Strategy
Creating new offerings for existing markets. This approach may be taken for: Product Innovation – develop totally new offerings Product Augmentation – enhance the value to customers of existing offerings Product line extension – broaden the existing line of offerings by adding different sizes, forms, flavors, etc.

28 Diversification Strategy
Development or acquisition of offerings new to the organization and introducing those offerings to publics not previously served by the organization. Growing trend in recent years High-risk strategy because both the offering and market served are new to the organization

29 Disigning Marketing Strategy
Market targeting and strategic positioning Strategi Positioning : bagaimana menempatkan produk di mata dan benak konsumen dan terbedakan dengan produk dari pesaing

30 Disigning Marketing Strategy
Market targeting and strategic positioning Strategi Positioning pada program pemasaran merupakan kombinasi dari produk, harga, distribusi dan promosi yang digunakan perusahaan sebagai kunci untuk menghadapi pesaing  Marketing Mix

31 Disigning Marketing Strategy
Relationship strategy Marketing ralationship partners may include end-user customers, marketing channel members, suppliers, competitors alliance and internal teams

32 Christopher et al. (2002) Mengembangkan Model 6 Pasar Dalam Relationship Marketing

33 Positioning Strategy Development
Product strategy Positioning startegy Market target Distribution strategy Promotion strategy Price strategy

34 Implementing and Managing Market-Driven Strategy
Strategy implementation and control, consits of : Preparing marketing plan and budget Implementing the plan Using the plan in managing and controlling the strategy on an ongoing basis.

35 Preparing Marketing plan
Strategic situation summary A summary of the strategic situation for the planning unit (business unit, market segment, product line, etc). Market target description Define and describe each market target, including customer profile, customer preferences, and buying habits, size and growth estimates, distribution channels, analysis of key competitor, and guidelines for positioning strategy.

36 Preparing Marketing plan
Objectives for the market targets Set objectives for the market target (such as market position, sales, and profit). Marketing program positioning strategy Product strategy Set strategy for new product and product improvement. Distribution strategy Price strategy Marketing research Coordination with other business function Forcasts and budgets Contigency plans Indicate planned action if even differ from those assume in the plan

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