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Presentasi berjudul: "SENSOR / TRANSDUCER Busran."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Pre Apakah Sensor Itu?? Apakah Transduser itu?????
Berikan gambaran Implementasi Sensor/Transduser

3 Definisi Sensor adalah piranti yang mentransform (mengubah) suatu nilai (isyarat/energi) fisik ke nilai fisik yang lain (Electric) Menghubungkan antara fisik nyata dan industri electric dan piranti elektronika Di dunia industri berguna untuk monitoring, controlling, dan proteksi Sering disebut juga dengan Transducer

4 Transducer Sensor adalah piranti yang mentransform (mengubah) suatu nilai (isyarat/energi) fisik ke nilai fisik yang lain. Piranti yang memberikan output (yang bisa dipakai) sebagai tanggapan terhadap (measurand) kondisi, kuantitas fisik masukan. Ada beberapa kategori measurand

5 Sensor Tidak terbatas pada pengukuran besaran fisik saja, tetapi juga pada kimia, dan biologi

6 Detectable Phenomenon
Stimulus Quantity Acoustic Wave (amplitude, phase, polarization), Spectrum, Wave Velocity Biological & Chemical Fluid Concentrations (Gas or Liquid) Electric Charge, Voltage, Current, Electric Field (amplitude, phase, polarization), Conductivity, Permittivity Magnetic Magnetic Field (amplitude, phase, polarization), Flux, Permeability Optical Refractive Index, Reflectivity, Absorption Thermal Temperature, Flux, Specific Heat, Thermal Conductivity Mechanical Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Strain, Stress, Pressure, Torque

7 Sensor Ada 6 tipe isyarat
Mechanical, contoh: panjang, luas, mass flow, gaya, torque, tekanan, kecepatan, percepatan, panjang gel acoustic, dll Thermal, contoh: temperature, panas, entropy, heat flow Electrical, contoh: tegangan, arus, muatan, resistance, frekuensi, dll Magnetic, contoh: intensitas medan, flux density, dll Radiant, contoh: intensitas, panjang gelombang, polarisasi, dll Chemical, contoh: komposisi, konsentrasi, pH, kecepatan reaksi, dll

8 Physical Principles Amperes’s Law Curie-Weiss Law
A current carrying conductor in a magnetic field experiences a force (e.g. galvanometer) Curie-Weiss Law There is a transition temperature at which ferromagnetic materials exhibit paramagnetic behavior Faraday’s Law of Induction A coil resist a change in magnetic field by generating an opposing voltage/current (e.g. transformer) Photoconductive Effect When light strikes certain semiconductor materials, the resistance of the material decreases (e.g. photoresistor)

9 Choosing a Sensor

10 Sensor Sensor mengkonversi dari suatu isyarat input ke suatu isyarat ouput. Sensor bisa saja menggunakan satu atau lebih pengkonversian untuk menghasilkan suatu isyarat keluaran




14 Diskusi Apa perbedaan antara Sensor dan Transduser?
Isyarat apa saja yang mampu dirubah oleh Sensor atau Transduser?

15 Sensor Block Diagram Blok diagram sensor measurand
Primary Transduction Secondary Transduction Isyarat input output Blok diagram sensor

16 Passive Sensor Mengkonversi sifat-sifat/isyarat fisik atau kimia ke dalam isyarat yang lain tanpa bantuan sumber energi Contoh : termocouple Termocouple menghasilkan tegangan output sebanding dengan suhu pada sambungan termcouple tersebut

17 Active Sensor Mengkonversi sifat-sifat/isyarat fisik atau kimia ke dalam isyarat yang lain dengan bantuan sumber energi Merupakan pilihan utama untuk isyarat-isyarat yang lemah/kecil

18 Active Sensor Blok Diagram Active Sensor measurand
Primary Transduction Secondary Transduction Isyarat input output Auxiliary Energy Source Blok Diagram Active Sensor

19 Analog Output Active sensor di industri elektronika mempunyai standar isyarat listrik baik analog (berupa tegangan atau arus) maupun digital

20 Digital Output Computer Based atau Microprocessor














34 Temperature Sensor Temperature sensors appear in building, chemical process plants, engines, appliances, computers, and many other devices that require temperature monitoring Many physical phenomena depend on temperature, so we can often measure temperature indirectly by measuring pressure, volume, electrical resistance, and strain

35 Temperature Sensor Bimetallic Strip Application
Thermostat (makes or breaks electrical connection with deflection)

36 Temperature Sensor Resistance temperature device.

37 Accelerometer Accelerometers are used to measure along one axis and is insensitive to orthogonal directions Applications Vibrations, blasts, impacts, shock waves Air bags, washing machines, heart monitors, car alarms Mathematical Description is beyond the scope of this presentation. See me during lunch if interested

38 Light Sensor Light sensors are used in cameras, infrared detectors, and ambient lighting applications Sensor is composed of photoconductor such as a photoresistor, photodiode, or phototransistor

39 Magnetic Field Sensor Magnetic Field sensors are used for power steering, security, and current measurements on transmission lines Hall voltage is proportional to magnetic field

40 Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic sensors are used for position measurements Sound waves emitted are in the range of 2-13 MHz Sound Navigation And Ranging (SONAR) Radio Dection And Ranging (RADAR) – ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES !!

41 Photogate Photogates are used in counting applications (e.g. finding period of period motion) Infrared transmitter and receiver at opposite ends of the sensor Time at which light is broken is recorded

42 CO2 Gas Sensor CO2 sensor measures gaseous CO2 levels in an environment Measures CO2 levels in the range of ppm Monitors how much infrared radiation is absorbed by CO2 molecules

43 Kesimpulan dan Diskusi

44 Tugas Kelompok Implementasi Sensor dalam Dunia Industri Makalah :
Sensor Cahaya, Sensor Berat, Sensor Suhu, Sensor Suara, Sensor Jarak, Sensor Regangan Makalah : Teori Pengantar Sensor Rangkaian Elektronika Sensor Prinsip Kerja Algoritma Program dalam Implementasi (Opsional)

45 Tugas Kelompok Browsing, Reading, Resuming and Writing
Presentating of Paper

46 HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
Salah satu protocol komunikasi untuk sensor Untuk remote data acquisition dan kontrol Standart 4 to 20 mA, Teknik FSK Digital format : 1200 & 2200 (logic 1 & 0)

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