Phase III Rapid Prototyping and Demonstration Prototype

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1 Kuliah Sistem Pakar Pertemuan X Tahap III, IV Prototyping dan Pengembangan Sistem

2 Phase III Rapid Prototyping and Demonstration Prototype
Prototyping, suatu proses untuk menghasilkan suatu prototipe Prototype, ide bagi pembuat maupun pengguna (potensial) tentang cara suatu sistem akan berfungsi dalam bentuk lengkap dan bagaimana sistem nantinya akan dikembangkan maupun diperbaiki

3 Rapid Prototyping and a Demonstration Prototype
Build a small prototype Test, improve, expand Demonstrate and analyze feasibility Complete design

4 Rapid Prototyping Crucial to ES development Small-scale system Includes knowledge representation Small number of rules For proof of concept

5 Rapid Prototyping Process
Refinement dari Pengembangan Sistem Rancangan Prototype Akuisisi Pengetahuan dan Representasi Testing, Studi Kasus Evaluasi, Pakar, Sumbang Saran Pengguna Analisis Hasil Perlu Perbaikan ? Start Akhir Prototyping Ya Tidak

6 Prototyping: ES Development Life Cycle (PADI)
Planning Analysis Design Implementation Prototype

7 Keuntungan dan Daya Tarik Prototipe
Memperoleh gambaran Sistem Memperoleh gambaran Perbaikan/Perawatan Memperoleh gambaran ide, Hardware, Software serta Network (optional) Memperkenalkan dan menjual Sistem pada calon “user” yang skeptis. Mendemonstrasikan Sistem (sederhana)

8 Keuntungan dan Daya Tarik (lanjutan)
Terjadi komunikasi yang baik antara sistem “perancang” dengan user Perancang dapat bekerja lebih baik dalam menentukan kebutuhan user User berperan lebih aktif dalam pengembangan sistem Aplikasi sistem lebih mudah karena keterlibatan user secara aktif, sehingga user mengetahui apa yang diharapkan.

9 Phase IV Pengembangan Sistem
Develop the knowledge base Define the potential solutions Define the input facts Develop an outline Draw a decision tree Create a knowledge map Create the knowledge base Test, evaluate, and improve (knowledge base) Plan for integration

10 Development and Maintenance of Expert Systems
Problem Identification and Feasibility Analysis The problem must be suitable for an expert to solve it. Find an expert for the project Cost effectiveness must be established 2. System Design and Expert System Technology Identification The system is designed with integration other subsytems and databases Domain knowledge Knowledge and inferencing is established with simple cases 3. Development of Prototype Knowledge Engineer works with the expert Specific Tool is chosen for the project

11 Development and Maintenance of Expert Systems (Continued)
4. Testing and Refinement of Prototype Test with simple cases Deficiencies in performance are noted. End users test the prototypes. 5. Complete and Field the Expert System The interaction with the environment,, users, and other information systems is tested Documented User training 6. Maintain the System The system is kept current by updating the knowledge base Interfaces with other information systems are maintained

12 Development and Maintenance of Expert Systems (Continued)
4. Testing and Refinement of Prototype Test with simple cases Deficiencies in performance are noted. End users test the prototypes. 5. Complete and Field the Expert System The interaction with the environment, users, and other information systems is tested Documented User training 6. Maintain the System The system is kept current by updating the KB Interfaces with other information systems are maintained

13 Development & Maintenance of ESs
This slide corresponds to Figure 11.7 on p. 404 and relates to the material on pp Problem Identification and Feasibility Analysis System Design and ES Technology Identification Development of Prototype Figure 11.7 illustrates an interactive process of ES development and maintenance. The steps of the methodology include: 1. Problem Identification & Feasibility Analysis - the problem has to be suitable for an ES to solve. Along with determining whether an ES is appropriate, system developers must find an expert for the project. At this stage, a subset of ES functionality that will go into the initial prototype should also be identified. The cost-effectiveness of the system has to be estimated by establishing the approximate number of rules and determining the cost per rule. 2. System Design and ES Technology Identification - at this stage, the system is actually being designed. In particular, the needed degree of interaction with other subsystems and databases is established. Concepts that best represent the domain knowledge are worked out. 3. Development of Prototype - using the knowledge-acquisition facility, the knowledge engineer works with the expert to place the initial kernel of knowledge in the knowledge base. 4. Testing & Refinement of Prototype - using sample cases, the prototype is tested, and deficiencies in performance are noted. 5. Complete and Field the ES - the interaction of the ES with all elements of its environment, including users and other information systems, is ensured and tested. A suite of test cases is run to validate the ES and stored to validate future modifications. ES is documented and user training is conducted. 6. Maintain the System - the system is kept current primarily by updating its knowledge base. Testing and Refinement of Prototype Yes Is the Performance Satisfactory? Complete and Field the ES No ES Ready for Use Maintain ES 7 7

14 Development Team ES Software

15 Roles in Expert System Development
Knowledge Knowledge Engineer Knowledge acquisition tactics include interviews, protocol analysis, observation, and analysis of cases Must select a tool with the application of the knowledge acquisition facility User End user with a simple shell Prototypes are used

16 Persyaratan Sistem Pakar yang Baik (Pertemuan 10/06 -)
Dikembangkan untuk menjawab kebutuhan Kecepatan pemrosesan tinggi Menambah kepakaran “user” Mudah diperbaiki Dapat menjawab pertanyaan sederhana Dapat bertanya untuk mendapat info tambahan Mudah diubah Pengguna harus merasa menguasai SP Tidak sulit bagi pengguna pemula Kebutuhan input harus jelas dan sederhana

17 Sampai Jumpa di Pertemuan XI Selamat Belajar, Semoga Sukses

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