1 Learning Objective: Editing Course UNIVERSITAS BINA NUSANTARA Students are expected to be able to edit English text in order to produce the best English.

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1 1 Learning Objective: Editing Course UNIVERSITAS BINA NUSANTARA Students are expected to be able to edit English text in order to produce the best English writing results.

2 2 Editing Course Content Introduction to Editing: Pendahuluan Sistem dan Mekanisme Editing Editing Focus: Unclear Sentences and Translation Problems Editing Focus: Fragments Editing Focus: Run-Ons Sentences Editing Focus: English Punctuation and Spelling Editing Focus: Verbs and Tenses Editing Focus: Prepositions Focus Editing: Word Choice in Editing House Style Editing American and British English Consistency and Word Usage Review and Exercises

3 3  Mahasiswa akan dapat mengetahui tentang tugas dan kewajiban Editor  Mahasiswa akan dapat memisahkan kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat yang salah  Mahasiswa akan dapat mendemonstrasikan etika dan strategi Editing  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerangkan manfaat mata kuliah Editing dan mekanisme pembelajarannya  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerapkan peraturan pemakaian tanda- tanda baca dan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerapkan tehnik proofreading baik secara manual maupun digital  Mahasiswa akan dapat menyusun kembali kata-kata dan kalimat- kalimat rancu sehingga menjadi kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat yang benar Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU)

4 4 Online Readings: http://www.binus.ac.id http://wwww.Englishedit.com http://www.lecturer.binus.ac.id http://www.englishedit.com http://www.askoxford.com http://www.englishediting.com http://www.askoxford.com http://wwww.englishedit.com http://www.englishediit.com

5 5 Book References: A S Hornby. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 6. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Jan Peterson. (1999). Better Writing through Editing. 9. McGraw-Hill College. Boston. Prof.Strunk. (2001). Elements of Style. 10. Harper Collins. New York. Joyce S. Kain. (2003). Eye on Editing. 10. Pearson Education. New York.

6 6 Introduction to Editing In general, PROOFREADING involves the identification and correction of typographical errors, punctuation errors, misspellings, and formatting inconsistencies. It may also mean comparing two documents for uniformity. The difference between editing and proofreading

7 7 EDITING covers the same areas, but may include English grammar, word usage, capitalization, word breaks, tone, and format.

8 8  The class includes acquiring the skills of editing, followed by an application of those principles to actual editing projects.  A strong foundation in editing, grammar and usage, punctuation, and proofreading is emphasized. Editorial Principles & Practices

9 9 Why do people need editors Editing skills are essential to good writers, be they native speakers or non-native speakers, experts or novices. To a large extent, editing involves identifying grammar errors and correcting them, especially for ESL/EFL learners who tend to repeat their errors. Hence the guideline they need to bear in mind is trouble-shooting. That is to say, the learners find out and correct the grammar errors, then classify them into error types, and practice relevant grammar intensively until they internalize those grammar rules.

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