Free/spare time like and dislike Missing lyric

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Presentasi berjudul: "Free/spare time like and dislike Missing lyric"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Free/spare time like and dislike Missing lyric
Meeting 5

2 Dua Jenis Orang Introspection Positive thinking Wish to Change Winner
Looser Negative thinking Extropection No wish to change

3 Time to quiz Ayah saya tidak akan pernah menangis
Saya sangat suka lagu itu Mereka belum menelpon saya Kami sudah menunggu dia sejak sejam yang lalu Dia (lk) tidak sedang mengepel Pak Asyraf menulis surat untuk orang tuanya Addin minggu lalu

4 Always use verb 1 What do you usually do in your free /spare time?
How do you spend your free time? How often do play / watch / share …? How long do share with your family? When do you have an off day? Do you always hang out / go out with your friends? What is your favorite place for hanging out? Do you need money in spending your spare time? What is your favorite activities to spend your free time? Whom do you always want to spend your free time with? What movie do you usually watch? Why do you like romance/comedy/horror/ action/ colossal movie? Where do you play /watch …?

5 Do or does See pg. 27

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