1 Pertemuan 8 Manusia dan hambatannya dalam penggunaan teknologi Matakuliah: H0472 / Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2006 Versi: 1.

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Presentasi berjudul: "1 Pertemuan 8 Manusia dan hambatannya dalam penggunaan teknologi Matakuliah: H0472 / Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2006 Versi: 1."— Transcript presentasi:


2 1 Pertemuan 8 Manusia dan hambatannya dalam penggunaan teknologi Matakuliah: H0472 / Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2006 Versi: 1

3 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan hubungan antara Teknologi Informasi dengan manusia penggunanya dalam konsep work sistem.

4 3 Outline Materi Teknologi dan manusia penggunanya Ketergantungan pada manusia dalam suksesnya penerapan sistem informasi.

5 4 Human and Ethical Issues Technology and People Positive and Negative Impacts on People at Work Dependence on People for Information System Success Systems and Ethics

6 5 Introductory Case: A national directory of new hires Is this a good thing? –Why or why not? What information is stored in this database –SSN, address, wages, employer –How could this be abused? Does the greater good (of improving child support payments) outweigh the potential for loss of privacy?

7 6 Technology and People Human-Centered Design versus Machine Centered Design User Friendliness

8 7

9 8

10 9 Positive and Negative Impacts on People at Work Health and Safety Autonomy and Power Use of Valued Skills Meaningfulness of Work Social Relationships

11 10 We’ve seen a list of impacts of information technology on people in the workplace… Let’s see if we can draw on our own experiences and think of some specific examples –Health and Safety –Autonomy and Power –Use of Valued Skills –Meaningfulness of Work –Social Relationships

12 11 Dependence on People for Information System Success Skills and Knowledge Involvement and Commitment Resistance to Change Unanticipated Innovations

13 12

14 13 Systems and Ethics Ethical versus Legal Issues Privacy Accuracy Property Access

15 14 Closing Teknologi dan manusia penggunanya Ketergantungan pada manusia dalam suksesnya penerapan sistem informasi

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