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Harbor kapal dapat masuk dan berlindung dari angin & gelombang
Port harbor dengan fasilitas untuk docking, cargo handling & storage, dan transfer of passenger Marina shallow draft harbor terutama untuk kapal-kapal kecil untuk rekreasi
Protective structures
HARBOR ENGINEERING Protective structures waterways docks } loading cargo discharging repair
HARBOR HARBOR natural seminatural artificial dredging breakwater
military commercial refuge Privately owned municipal
} Karakter Penting untuk Harbor (commercial) Easy access
Good anchorage safe During any condition of weather and state of tide
Size of a harbor: Penggunaan tugs Jumlah dan ukuran kapal
Existing site conditions
Small Artificial Harbor
750 ft 1000 ft 500 ft channel 600 ft piers 400 ft 1500 ft Small Artificial Harbor
> Space for docks Usual minimum harbor area Free turning
2 length of the largest ship Radius ≥ Turning basin Limited turning Minimum diameter 20% length of the largest ship >
Medium-sized artificial harbor with full-sized turning basin
Turning circle 200 ft 200 ft 800 ft 1000 ft 400 ft Small boat basin 2250 ft 1800 ft Medium-sized artificial harbor with full-sized turning basin
Breakwaters Location & extent Size & Direction of maximum waves
Configuration of the shoreline Size of harbor to be protected
Tujuan : membuat harbor menjadi tenang
Untuk comfortable breathing: wave height < 2 ft sebaiknya wind speed < 10 – 15 mi / h Note : angin & arus sering lebih mengganggu daripada waves
Ship enters Ship leaves Two entrance harbor
Not feasible or economical to construct a dock
Offshore mooring or Offshore anchorage area Ships carrying explosives or dangerous cargo Quarantine inspection To await docking space To await favorable weather conditions
Be careful with ebb & flood tide (current)!!!
width Small harbors 300 ft Medium harbors 400 – 500 ft Large harbors 500 – 1000 ft To reduce wave height Be careful with ebb & flood tide (current)!!! function Harbor entrance location On the lee side Effects on vertical surface Increased wave heights reflection scour
NOTE: >> arus dari ebb & flood harus dicegah dari melebihi 4 ft/s, karena akan mengakibatkan gangguan navigasi dan scour >> untuk mencegah scour pada dinding vertikal: Wave-deflecting walls Buat “beach” (wave-absorbing beach) Buat “hollow structure” Wave traps
CHANNEL DEPTH Main criteria : sufficient depth to permit navigation at lowest low water when ships are fullt-loaded Faktor lain: # surge of the ship (about one half the wave height) # squat when in motion # 1 m (2 – 4 ft) clearance under the keel # type of the bottom (soft mud / sand / hard rock) # draft of the largest ship (eg: supertankers deadweight tonnage = tons; draft > 80 ft) # tides : - artificial tidal working of ports - natural tidal working of ports
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