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Diterbitkan olehAly Angga Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
isu-isu global kontemporer
apa saja?
copenhagen consensus economy: digital divide, financial instability, lack of intellectual property rights, money laundering, subsidies & trade barriers, transport & infrastructure environment: air pollution, chemical pollution & hazardous waste, climate change, deforestation, depletion of the ozone layer, depletion of water resources, lack of energy, land degradation, loss of biodiversity, vulnerability to natural disasters governance: arms proliferation, conflicts, corruption, lack of education, terrorism health & population: drugs, HIV/AIDS, human settlements, lack of people of working age, malaria, living conditions of children, living conditions of women, noncommunicable diseases, undernutrition/hunger, unsafe water & lack of sanitation, vaccine-preventable diseases 1.climate change 2.communicable diseases 3.conflicts & arms proliferation 4.access to education 5.financial instability 6.governance & corruption 7.malnutrition & hunger 8.migration 9.sanitation & access to clean water 10.subsidies & trade barriers
millenium development goals
menu kelas igk november ‘07 konflik: konflik etnis, minoritas, intervensi, rekonstruksi keamanan tradisional: persenjataan, terrorisme keamanan manusia: kelaparan, migrasi, air bersih, akses pendidikan, penyakit negara-masyakarat: demokrasi, good governance, HAM ekonomi: pembangunan, bantuan asing, hutang
menu kelas igk november ‘07 klstopikkegiatan 1-2konflikkuliah, diskusi 3the inconvenient truthnonton, diskusi 4-6keamanan tradisionalpresentasi kelompok keamanan manusia negara-masyakarat ekonomi
presentasi kelompok 1 topik, beragam subtopik well-researched: definisi/ batasan, data, argumen, alternatif kreatif: talkshow, roleplay, membuat film, games/quiz, vote, iklan
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