1 Pertemuan > Pengendalian Konkurensi Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >

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Presentasi berjudul: "1 Pertemuan > Pengendalian Konkurensi Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >"— Transcript presentasi:

1 1 Pertemuan > Pengendalian Konkurensi Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat memilih pengendalian konkurensi

3 3 Outline Materi Pengenalan Lock Management Lock Conversations Teknik khusus Locking Pengendalian Konkurensi Tanpa Locking

4 4 PENGENALAN LOCK MANAGEMENT Two schedules are conflict equivalent if: – Involve the same actions of the same transactions – Every pair of conflicting actions is ordered the same way Schedule S is conflict serializable if S is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule

5 5 PENGENALAN LOCK MANAGEMENT Lock Manager Lock Table Implementasi Lock dan Unlock – Atomicity – Other issues : Latches, Convoys

6 6 LOCK CONVERSATIONS Lock Upgrade Downgrading Update Lock Deadlock – Prevention – Detection

7 7 LOCK CONVERSATIONS Deadlock Detection (Continued)

8 8 TEKNIK KHUSUS LOCKING Dynamic databases and the phantom problem Pengendalian konkurensi pada B+Trees Multiple-Granularity Locking

9 9 PENGENDALIAN KONKURENSI TANPA LOCKING Pengendalian konkurensi optimis – Read – Validation – Write Pengendalian konkurensi Timestamp- Based – The Thomas Write Rule – Recoverability Pengendalian konkurensi Multiversion

10 10 > Dilanjutkan ke pert. 10 Transaksi Manajemen

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