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Presentasi berjudul: "STRUKTUR & FUNGSI BUAH DAN BIJI STRUCTURE & FUNCTION OF FRUIT AND SEED"— Transcript presentasi:


2 BUAH FRUIT Umumnya buah berkembang dari alat kelamin betina (putik) pada tumbuhan biji, yaitu bagian bakal buahnya jika terjadi pembuhan. Pembuahan yaitu proses meleburnya sel telur dengan sperma di dalam putik. Berdasarkan pembentukanya, buah di bagi menjadi dua macam ,yaitu buah sejati dan buah semu.  Commonly fruit develops from female reproduction organ (pistil) in seed plant. Fertilization is fision process of ovum with sperm inside pistil. Based on its formation,fruit is divided into two kind, those are true fruit and false fruit.

3 Jenis-jenis Buah The Kind of Fruit

4 Jenis-Jenis Buah The Kinds of Fruit Berdasarkan pembentukanya, buah di bagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu buah sejati dan buah semu. Buah sejati adalah buah yang dibentuk oleh seluruh jaringan bakal buah. Buah sejati di temukan pada buah pepaya, durian, mangga, tomat, dan sebagainya. Based on its formation,fruit is divided into two kind, those are true fruit and false fruit. True fruit is fruit that is formed by all tissue in ovary. The fruit is found in fruits of papaya,durian,mango, tomato, and soon.

5 Buah semu adalah buah yang dibentuk bukan hanya dari bakal buah saja,tetapi juga berasal dari bagian-bagian bunga yang lainya. Contohnya adalah manggis, jambu mede, ciplukan dan nangka. Jambu mede buahnya berasal dari tangkai bunga yang membesar. Nangka, buahnya berasal dari kelompokbunga yang tumbuh menebal dan berdaging. False fruit is fruit that is formed not only from its ovary, but also comes from another parts of the flower. The example are mangosteen, mede guava, ground cherry, and jackfruit. Mede guava its fruit comes from enlarging flower stalk. Jackfruit, its fruit comes from sepal that grows thicken and has meat.

6 B I J I S E E D Biji terbentuk dari hasil pembuahan yang terjadi di dalam bakal buah. Bakal buah dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu bakal biji yang terbungkus oleh daun buah, seperti biji mangga, rambutan, salak, dan bakal biji yang tidak terbungkus oleh dun buah, seperti pada pakis haji. Seed is formed from fertilization product that happens inside ovary. Ovary is separated into two, those are ovule packed by fruit leaves, such as seeds of mango, rambutan, salak, and ovule that is not packed by fruit leaves, such as seed of pakis haji (cycas rumphii).


8 Pada biji terdapat calon tumbuhan baru (lembaga) dan putih lembaga (endosperm). Lembaga terdiri atas tiga bagian, meliputi akar lembaga (radikula), batang lembaga (cauliculus), dan daun lembaga (kotiledon). Cauliculus dan calon daun dinamakan juga putik lembaga. Within the seed, there are embryo and endosperm. Embryo consists of three parts, rootlet (radicle), little stalk (cauliculus), and seed leaf (cotyledon). Culiculus and leaf seed are called plumule.

9 Biji Tumbuhan Monokotil dan Dikotil Seed of Plant Monocotyl and Dicotyl

10 Plants reproduce differently
Reproduce – it means “to make more of the same kind” Plants reproduce differently Plants are classified by characteristics. Plants that make seeds Plants that do not make seeds Flowering Plants Conifers Ferns Mosses

11 How Seeds Form After fertilization the flower dries up and petals fall off, leaving just the pistil and its ovary. The top of the pistil falls off and the ovary gets larger as one or more seeds form inside it. When the seeds are formed, the ovary dries up and the seeds fall out. Corn, Beans, and Peas are seeds that we eat

12 How Fertilization Occurs
When a pollen grain reaches a pistil, it grows a thin tube to the ovary. Sperm from the pollen grain combines with an egg, and a seed forms. Fertilization – the combination of sperm from a pollen grain with an egg to form a seed

13 How Pollination Occurs
Butterflies may carry pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of the the same flower. Sometimes the butterfly may carry pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another flower of the same kind. Pollen: Nothing to Sneeze At Pollination- the movement of pollen from a stamen to a pistil

14 Some flowering plants are
monocot seed – a seed that has one seed leaf and stored food outside the seed leaf dicot seed – a seed that has two seed leaves that contain stored food

15 What is the Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant
dormant – the resting stage of a seed Dormant Seed Takes in water and the seed coat gets soft. If the seed has enough oxygen and the right temperature, it will begin to germinate.

16 Seedling When the stored food within the original seed leaves is used up, they dry up and drop off. More leaves grow from buds on the stem as the plant grows taller. The new leaves can trap energy from sunlight and make sugar. Plants use the energy in the sugar to grow.

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