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Diterbitkan olehGlenna Gunardi Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
LEADERSHIP Kelompok 8 1. Dyah Ayudya P.140803101027 2. Dyah Ayu P.N140803101066 3. Amalia Ilmi P.140803102027 4. Angga Prasetyo140803102032 5. Halimatus S.140803102055 6. Ferdika Septa M.140803102066
Proses menginspirasi orang lain untuk memberikan semangat agar mereka bekerja keras untuk tugas yang diembannya.
Leadership is one of the four functions of management Tujuannya,pemimpin mengambil tindakan efektif dalam bekerja, agar apa yang dikerjakan menuai hasil yang diinginkan.
Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power. Position Power Pemimpin menggunakan kekuatan posisinya untuk mempengaruhi. Kekuatan disini adalah kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi orang yang bekerja dengan kita untuk membuat sesuatu sesuai keingainan kita. Pemimpinmendapatkan kekuasaannya dari : Based on things managers can offer to others. Rewards: "If you do what I ask, I'll give you a reward." Coercion: "If you don't do what I ask, I'll punish you." Legitimacy: "Because I am the boss; you must do as I ask."
Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power. Personal Power Pemimpin menggunakan kekuatan pribadinya untuk mempengaruhi. Kekuatan disini adalah kemampuan pribadi yang dimiliki seorang pemimpin berupa keahlian dan referensi yang digunakan untuk memimpin. Based on how managers are viewed by others. Expertise—as a source of special knowledge and Information. Reference—as a person with whom others like to identify.
Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power. Vision bekerjasama dalam membangun sebuah organisasi yang kuat
Leadership Effectiveness The recurring pattern of behaviors exhibited by a leader Autocratic Style Acts in unilateral command and control fashion Human Relation Style Emphasizes people over tasks Democratic Style Encourages participation with an emphasis on both task accomplishments and development of people Lassize-faire Style Is low on both tasks and people
Leadership Styles Fiedler’s contingency model (gaya kepemimpinan situasional) 1. Leader-Member Relations 2. Task Structure, 3. Position Power
Leadership Styles Hersey-Blanchard situasitional model Model ini mengacu pada gaya kepemimpinan dan individu atau tingkat kematangan kelompok/kesiapan kelompok delegating -participating -selling -telling
Leadership Styles Path-Goal Theory gaya seorang pemimpin atau perilaku yang paling sesuai dengan karyawan dan lingkungan kerja untuk mencapai tujuan directive leader supportive leader achievment-oriented leader participative leader
Leadership Styles Leader-member exchange theory -the premise underlying leader-member exchange theory -followers in a high-LMX relationship -research on leader-member exchange theory
Leadership Styles The vroom-jago model -authority decision -consultative decision -group decision
Trends In Leadership Development transformational leadership Charismatic Leader Transactional Leader Transformational Leader Vision Has ideas and a clear sense of direction Charisma Uses power of personal reference and emotion Symbolism Identifies “heroes” Empowerment Helps Interactive Leadership research largely support the gender similarities hypothesis research leaves no doubt that both women and men can be effective leaders research does show is that men and women
Trends In Leadership Development personal integrity Moral Leadership Ethical Leadership Integrity Servant leadership Servant Leadership Empowerment
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