LEADERSHIP  Kelompok 8 1. Dyah Ayudya P.140803101027 2. Dyah Ayu P.N140803101066 3. Amalia Ilmi P.140803102027 4. Angga Prasetyo140803102032 5. Halimatus.

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Presentasi berjudul: "LEADERSHIP  Kelompok 8 1. Dyah Ayudya P.140803101027 2. Dyah Ayu P.N140803101066 3. Amalia Ilmi P.140803102027 4. Angga Prasetyo140803102032 5. Halimatus."— Transcript presentasi:

1 LEADERSHIP  Kelompok 8 1. Dyah Ayudya P.140803101027 2. Dyah Ayu P.N140803101066 3. Amalia Ilmi P.140803102027 4. Angga Prasetyo140803102032 5. Halimatus S.140803102055 6. Ferdika Septa M.140803102066

2 Proses menginspirasi orang lain untuk memberikan semangat agar mereka bekerja keras untuk tugas yang diembannya.

3 Leadership is one of the four functions of management  Tujuannya,pemimpin mengambil tindakan efektif dalam bekerja, agar apa yang dikerjakan menuai hasil yang diinginkan.

4 Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power.  Position Power  Pemimpin menggunakan kekuatan posisinya untuk mempengaruhi.  Kekuatan disini adalah kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi orang yang bekerja dengan kita untuk membuat sesuatu sesuai keingainan kita. Pemimpinmendapatkan kekuasaannya dari :  Based on things managers can offer to others.  Rewards: "If you do what I ask, I'll give you a reward."  Coercion: "If you don't do what I ask, I'll punish you."  Legitimacy: "Because I am the boss; you must do as I ask."

5 Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power.  Personal Power  Pemimpin menggunakan kekuatan pribadinya untuk mempengaruhi.  Kekuatan disini adalah kemampuan pribadi yang dimiliki seorang pemimpin berupa keahlian dan referensi yang digunakan untuk memimpin.  Based on how managers are viewed by others.  Expertise—as a source of special knowledge and  Information.  Reference—as a person with whom others like  to identify.

6 Leadership relies on use of position power and personal power.  Vision bekerjasama dalam membangun sebuah organisasi yang kuat

7 Leadership Effectiveness  The recurring pattern of behaviors exhibited by a leader  Autocratic Style  Acts in unilateral command and control fashion  Human Relation Style  Emphasizes people over tasks  Democratic Style  Encourages participation with an emphasis on both task accomplishments and development of people  Lassize-faire Style  Is low on both tasks and people

8 Leadership Styles  Fiedler’s contingency model (gaya kepemimpinan situasional)  1. Leader-Member Relations  2. Task Structure,  3. Position Power

9 Leadership Styles  Hersey-Blanchard situasitional model Model ini mengacu pada gaya kepemimpinan dan individu atau tingkat kematangan kelompok/kesiapan kelompok  delegating  -participating  -selling  -telling

10 Leadership Styles  Path-Goal Theory gaya seorang pemimpin atau perilaku yang paling sesuai dengan karyawan dan lingkungan kerja untuk mencapai tujuan  directive leader  supportive leader  achievment-oriented leader  participative leader

11 Leadership Styles  Leader-member exchange theory  -the premise underlying leader-member exchange theory  -followers in a high-LMX relationship  -research on leader-member exchange theory

12 Leadership Styles  The vroom-jago model  -authority decision  -consultative decision  -group decision

13 Trends In Leadership Development transformational leadership  Charismatic Leader  Transactional Leader  Transformational Leader  Vision Has ideas and a clear sense of direction  Charisma Uses power of personal reference and emotion  Symbolism Identifies “heroes”  Empowerment Helps  Interactive Leadership  research largely support the gender similarities hypothesis  research leaves no doubt that both women and men can be effective leaders  research does show is that men and women

14 Trends In Leadership Development personal integrity  Moral Leadership  Ethical Leadership  Integrity Servant leadership  Servant Leadership  Empowerment


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