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Sumber :Abnormal Psychology-6 edition Richard P. Halgin Susan Krauss Whitbourne MEMAHAMI PSIKOLOGI ABNORMAL Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 Chapter 1 Memahami Abnormalitas: Riwayat dan metode Riset Bab 1
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 2

3 Apakah perilaku dibawah ini ABNORMAL?
Duduk dikursi keberuntungan saat ujian ? Beberapa hari tak enak makan, tidur,atau belajar setelah putus pacar ? Keringat dingin ketika merasa diri terperangkap dalam elevator? Menolak makanan padat agar diri tetap langsing? Setelah naik kendaran umum langsung mencuci tangan dengan seksama? Merasa agen pemerintah memonitor telepon anda? Minum alkohol 6-pack sehari supaya bisa gaul? Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 3

4 PERILAKU ABNORMAL : Distress Impermen/ hendaya
membahayakan diri dan orang lain Perilaku yang secara sosial dan budaya tidak dapat diterima Distress = the experience of emotional or physical pain. Impairment involves reduction in ability to function at an optimal or even average level. Risk = danger or threat to well-being of a person. Socially and culturally unacceptable behavior. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 4

5 Apa Penyebab Abnormalitas?
Throughout the book, you will see that all three explanatory domains (biological, psychological, sociocultural) have relevance to the understanding and treatment of psychological disorders. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 5

6 Penyebab Abnormalitas
Biologi Diturunkan secara genetik Penyakit medik Kerusakan otak Terpajan stimuli lingkungan Psikologi Pengalaman traumatis dalam hidup Pembelajaran Distorsi persepsi Cara pikir yang salah Sosiokultural Gangguan relasi akrab Bermasalah pada relasi diluar keuarga Ditahan karena politik atau sosial Didiskriminasi oleh kelompok tertentu Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 6

7 Penyebab Abnormalitas
Tiga dimensi penyebab abnormalitas : biologi psikologi sosiokultural Ilmuwan sosial menggunakan terminologi BIOPSIKOSOSIAL untuk mengambarkan karakteristik interaksi antara jetiga dimensi ini Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 7

8 Penyebab Biologik Kemungkinan penyebab biologi Genetik
Gangguan fungsi fisik Sakit fisik (misal masalah thyroid) Kerusakan otak Ingesti zat Stimuli luar (misal toksin) Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 8

9 Sebab psikologik Kemungkinan penyebab psikologik
Mengalami peristiwa bermasalah dalam kehidupan Interpersonal – antar orang (misal argumentasi) Intrapsikik – dalam pikiran dan perasaan (misal , interpretasi tidak rasional) Trauma which took place years ago can continue to affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, and even dreams. Emotional disturbances can arise from distorted perceptions and faulty ways of thinking. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 9

10 Sebab Sosiobudaya Lingkaran pengaruh sosiokultural
Lingkaran langsung – orang yang senantiasa berkontak dengan, kebanyakan satu tempat. Lingkaran relasi lebih luas seperti keluarga yang kembali ke rumah atau teman sekolah Orang sekitar yang berkontak minimal dengan. The term sociocultural refers to the various circles of social influence in the lives of people. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 10

Model Diathesis-Stress : Predisposisi setiap orang yang dibawa sejak lahir (atau "diathesis”) yang menempatkan mereka dalam risiko yag dapat berkembang menjadi gangguan psikologik jika terpicu oleh suasana pembuat stres dalam hidupnya. Related to the biopsychosocial approach is the diathesis-stress model. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 11

12 Sejarah Psikologi Abnormal
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13 Tiga thema utama dalam menerangkan gangguan psikologi sepanjang sejarah :
Mistik Ilmu Humanitarian Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 13

14 Masa Prasejarah : perilaku Abnormal- kerasukan setan
Trephining- melubangi tengkorak Exorcism- mengusir setan dari orang/tempat/ benda Trephining: The drilling of a hole in the skull, presumably as a way of treating psychological disorders during prehistoric times, although it also occurred all over the world through the 18th Century. Certain African tribes still use it to relieve head wounds. The procedures involved in exorcism seem more like torture to our contemporary eyes. The “possessed” person might be starved, whipped, beaten, and treated in other extreme ways with the intention of driving evil spirits out. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 14

15 Yunani dan Roma Kuno : Munculnya model Ilmiah
Hippocrates (circa B.C.) Teori 4 Humors- cairan Black bile (“melancholic”) Yellow bile (“choleric”) Phlegm (“phlegmatic”) Blood (“sanguine”) Hippocrates, whom many call the founder of Western medicine, was concerned with physical and psychological diseases. He believed 4 essential bodily fluids called “humors” influenced physical and mental health, and that an excess of any could account for changes in personality and behavior. Treatment by Hippocrates consisted of ridding the body of the excess fluid through such methods as bleeding, purging (forced excretion), administering emetics (nausea-producing substances), and establishing a healthier balance through proper nutrition. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 15

16 Yunani dan Roma Kuno : Munculnya Model Ilmiah
Hippocrates (circa B.C.) Aesclepiades (1st Century B.C.) Aesclepiades rebelled against the idea that an imbalance of bodily substances caused psychological disorders. He argued they were caused by emotional disturbances. Claudius Galen revolutionized previous thinking about psychological and physical disorders. Rather than rely on philosophical speculation, he studied anatomy as the first “medical researcher.” Unfortunately, he essentially maintained Hippocrates’ beliefs that imbalances of bodily substances caused abnormality. Galen ( A.D.) Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 16

17 Abad Pertengahan dan Renaissance: Re-emergence of Spiritual Explanations
Penjelasan : Kepercayaan tanpa dasar pengetahuan/ rasional, astrologi, alchemy Terapi : Ritual magik mistik, pengusiran setan, obat rakyat Witch hunts-tindakan menyudutkan dengan kampanye kritik dan komentar Asylums During the Middle Ages, there was a resurgence of primitive beliefs regarding spiritual possession. The dominance of religious thinking had negative and positive effects. Negative: Treating the mentally ill as sinners and witches had harmful effects. Positive: Ideas about Christian charity led to establishment of poorhouses to shelter the indigent. The poorhouses became known as asylums. bedlam: Word derived from the name of the Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem in London; became synonymous with the chaotic and inhumane housing of psychologically disturbed people. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 17

18 Eropa dan Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1700an: Gerakan Reformasi
Vincenzo Chiarugi Philippe Pinel Jean-Baptiste Pussin Vincenzo Chiarugi ( ) led the reform movement for humane treatment of the mentally ill. The physician Philippe Pinel ( ) instituted reforms in La Bicêtre, a hospital in Paris. A hospital worker, Jean-Baptiste Pussin, had begun reform at La Bicêtre and influenced Pinel. After Pinel left La Bicêtre, Pussin made the bold gesture of freeing patients from their chains, an act for which Pinel is mistakenly given credit. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 18

19 Reformer lainnya William Tuke, Moral Treatment Benjamin Rush
Dorothea Dix, State Hospital Movement In England, 1792, William Tuke established the York Retreat, an institution based on the religious humanitarian principles of the Quakers. Their methods became known as moral treatment. Benjamin Rush ( ), known as the founder of American psychiatry, was appalled by asylum conditions, although he himself advocated methods we now regard as barbaric, even sadistic. Boston schoolteacher Dorothea Dix spent 40 years campaigning for the proper treatment of psychologically disturbed people and was a very effective champion of this cause. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 19

20 Benjamin Rush’s Methods
Rush advocated what we now regard as barbaric psychiatric interventions but were accepted conventions at the time: bloodletting purging the “tranquilizer” chair intended to reduce blood flow to the patient’s head and limbs submerging in cold shower baths frightening patients with threats of death the “well-cure” in which a patient was placed at the bottom of a well as water was slowly poured into it Rush dkk berpikir gangguan mental dapat dilawan dengan ketakutan yang diinduksi oleh metode mereka Source of illustration: National Library of Medicine. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 20

21 Tahun 1800-1900: Model Alternatif
Model medik Mesmerism, Hypnotisme Psychoanalytic Model Psychoanalysis Psychotherapy Medical model: The view that abnormal behaviors result from physical problems and should be treated medically. Mesmerism: Derived from the name Mesmer; a process of bringing about a state of heightened suggestibility. In the picture above, Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrates a hypnotic technique during a lecture. Hypnotism: The process of inducing a trance state. Psychoanalytic model: An approach that seeks explanations of abnormal behavior in the workings of unconscious psychological processes. Psychoanalysis: A theory and system of practice that relies heavily on the concepts of the unconscious mind, inhibited sexual impulses, early development, and the use of the "free association" technique and dream analysis. Psychotherapy: The treatment of abnormal behavior through psychological techniques. Source of illustration: Corbis/Bettmann. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 21

22 Akhir Abad 20 : Masa Tantangan Menyiapkan terapi Manusiawi dan Efektif
Medikasi gerakan deinstitusi Mengelola Layanan Kesehatan In the 1950s, scientists introduced medications that controlled some of the debilitating symptoms of severe psychological disturbance. In the 1970s, the deinstitutionalization movement reacted to deplorable conditions in mental hospitals by promoting the release of psychiatric clients into community treatment sites. Deinstitutionalization created another set of problems: Planning was inadequate, funds were insufficient, and patients were often shuttled back and forth between hospitals, halfway houses, and shabby boarding homes, never having a sense of stability or respect. Halfway house: A community treatment facility designed for deinstitutionalized clients leaving a hospital who are not yet ready for independent living. Managed health care has become the standard by which third-party payers, such as insurance companies, oversee reimbursement for health services. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 22

23 Metode Riset dalam Psikologi Abnormal
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24 Metode Ilmiah Objektif Observasi Pembentukan hipotesa
keterangan yang tidak diperlukan dikeluarkan – Dengan Kontrol terkendali The scientific method involves applying an objective set of methods for observing behavior, making an hypothesis about the causes of behavior, setting up proper conditions for studying the hypothesis, and drawing conclusions about its validity. Observation process: The stage of research in which the researcher watches and records the behavior of interest. Hypothesis formation process: The stage of research in which the researcher generates ideas about a cause-effect relationship between the behaviors under study. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 24

25 Metode Eksperimental independent variable dependent variable
(kausa yang mungkin) dependent variable (the outcome terukur) In the experimental method, the researcher adjusts the level of the independent variable and observes its effects on the dependent variable. The independent variable is the experimental variable that the researcher manipulates. An experimental group receives the “treatment” thought to influence the behavior under study, and the control group does not. (A special kind of control group in a placebo condition would receive an inert substance or treatment similar in all other ways except for its lack of the independent variable’s “treatment.”) The dependent variable is measured because it is believed to depend on the manipulated changes in the independent variable. The quasi-experimental method is a variant of this procedure and is used to compare groups that differ on a predetermined characteristic. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 25

26 Metode Korelasi correlation:
an association (or co-relation) between two variables. The correlational method studies associations, or co-relations, between variables. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 26

27 Metode Korelasi Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 27

28 Metode Korelasi Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 28

29 Metode Survei Insidensi: Prevalensi:
Periset menggunakan survey method untuk mengumpulkan informasi sampel yang representatif dari populasi tertentu. Insidensi: Frekuensi kasus baru dalam periode waktu tertentu Prevalensi: Angka orang yang mengalami gangguan atau total angka kasus pada satu waktu tertentu Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 29

30 Single-Subject Design
Metode Studi kasus Single-Subject Design In the case study method, one individual is studied intensively, and a detailed and careful analysis of that individual is conducted. In the single-subject design, one person at a time is studied in both the experimental and control conditions, as treatment is applied and removed in alternating phases. Studies of genetic influence may examine concordance rates, biological markers, or genetic mapping. Concordance rate: Agreement ratios between people diagnosed as having a particular disorder and their relatives. Biological markers: Measurable characteristics or traits whose patterns parallel the inheritance of a disorder or other characteristic. Genetic mapping: The attempt by biological researchers to identify the structure of a gene and the characteristics it controls. Studi Pengaruh enetik Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 30

31 Gangguan Psikologi Pada Manusia
Psychological disorders affect not only the people who suffer from them but also the family, community, and society. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 31

32 MYTHS GANGGUAN MENTAL Batas antara orang yang kreatif dan ‘gila’ tipis
Orang dengan gangguan jiwa berbahaya. kebanyakan orangtua pikun Freud hanya berpikir tentang seks. pelaku kriminal memang dilahirkan ‘jahat’ Asma disebabkan masalah emosi. Orang yang bunuh diri jarang cerita akan bunuh diri Orang dengan schizophrenia memp[unyai kepribadian multipel Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 32

33 Dampak Individual Stigma Distress
Stigma: Label yang menyebabkan orang tertentu dipandang secara berbeda , cacat, dan patut dikucilkan Individuals with psychological disorders suffer great stigma which adds to their emotional problems. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 33

34 Dampak pada Keluarga Family members are affected by the distress of their loved ones and also share a sense of stigma. The degree of impact depends the nature of the problem and the dynamics of the family. Families have also banded together for support and mutual education, forming organizations like the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI). Jika mengenai orang yang kita cintai – akan membuat distress. Juga terstigma . Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 34

35 Dampak pada Komunitas dan Sosial
Tuna wisma Perhatian kesehatan Masyarakat terbagi-bagi In some programs and communities, discharged individuals are adequately cared for; however, in many areas, particularly large cities, there are a great many formerly institutionalized people who go without homes, food, or health attention. On a broader level, the social and financial costs of mental health problems are inestimable, but mental health professionals and public health experts agree psychological problems exert a tremendous toll on society: Families are often torn apart and communities are divided. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 35

36 For more information on material covered in this chapter, visit our Web site:
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