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Presentasi berjudul: "NEUROFISIOLOGI Gerak dan Fungsi"— Transcript presentasi:

1 NEUROFISIOLOGI Gerak dan Fungsi

2 NEUROFISIOLOGI Gerak dan Fungsi
Sistem Piramidal dan ekstrapiramidal Aktifitas terintegrasi untuk mengatur postur tubuh dan memungkinkan terjadinya gerakan terkoordinasi. Masukan-masukan yang bertemu di neuron motorik mengatur tiga fungsi yang berbeda : Menimbulkan aktivitas volunter, Menyesuaikan postur tubuh untuk menghasilkan landasan yang kuat bagi gerakan, Mengkoordinasikan kerja berbagai otot agar gerakan yang dihasilkan teratur dan tepat.

3 Corticospinal Tract

4 Ventromedial System Origins : pontine reticular formation vestibular system (utricle & semicircular ducts) tectum (superior colliculus) Distribution: trunk & proximal muscles extensors and anti-gravity muscles predominantly ipsilateral multiple joints Injury: walking, righting reactions, posture & reaching impaired discrete distal movements intact 4

5 Dorsolateral System Origins : cerebral cortex red nucleus (midbrain) medullary reticular formation Distribution: distal muscles of limbs, predominantly upper limb flexors predominantly contralateral single joints Injury: walking, righting reactions, posture & reaching intact discrete distal movements impaired 5


7 Central Pattern Generators (CPGs)
Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) merupakan kumpulan neuron atau sirkuit neurologis yang dapat melakukan koordinasi gerakan secara umum, ritmik dan otomatik

8 SELECTIVE MOVEMENT -Fractionation-
-Against gravity- 1.Vestibulo-spinal system 2. Reticulo-spinal system -Selectivity- 1. rubro-spinal system 2. cortico-spinal system

9 Control of Movement Motor : Postural & task related activity. Sensory : the CNS finds the ‘right’ sensation. Cognitive : Motivation, judgement, planning, problem solving. Perceptual : spatial, visual, figure- ground. Biomechanical : Complementary neural dan biomechanical aspect of control.

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