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Software Bibliografi
Daftar Pustaka/Referensi/Bibliografi
Suatu daftar dari semua sumber referensi acuan yang digunakan di dalam teks, kecuali sumber yang tidak diterbitkan. Etika profesional ~ jangan menjadi plagiator (sengaja atau tidak sengaja) Ikuti Petunjuk untuk Penulis, setiap Jurnal memiliki ketentuan yang bisa berbeda dalam hal style, format, dll.
Manfaatkan Teknologi Wordprocessor sudah banyak yang dilengkapi dengan penyusunan bibliografi Banyak software khusus untuk bibliografi baik yang open-source maupun yang komersial (Endnote, Reference Manager, Bibdesk, Papyrus). Browser extension/plug-in yang memungkinkan integrasi dan otomastisasi proses sitasi online, fasilitas: browsing, selecting, citating, listing.
Note Citation System Note systems involve the use of sequential numbers in the text which refer to either footnotes (notes at the end of the page) or endnotes (a note on a separate page at the end of the paper) which gives the source detail. The notes system may or may not require a full bibliography, depending on whether the writer has used a full note form or a shortened note form.
Parenthetical Citation System
Parenthetical referencing also known as Harvard referencing where full or partial, in-text citations are enclosed within parentheses and embedded in the paragraph, as opposed to the footnote style. An example of a parenthetical reference would be: (Smith 2010, p. 1) Depending on the choice of style, fully cited parenthetical references may require no end section. Alternately a list of the citations with complete bibliographical references may be included in an end section sorted alphabetically by author's last name.
Mengapa menulis referensi perlu distandarkan?
Mesin-mesin pengindex tidak sepintar manusia Perlu metadata dengan field-field yang standard Mempermudah kolaborasi, duplikasi, dan akselerasi pengembangan bidang ilmu Menentukan peringkat peneliti dalam proses tertentu (h-index) Menentukan peringkat media publikasi (impact factor)
ZOTERO : Firefox extension
ZOTERO : Instalasi To install the Zotero Firefox extension, visit Zotero.org with Firefox and click the red download button. If a yellow band appears at the top of the web page with “Firefox prevented this site ( from asking you to install software on your computer.”, click the “Allow” button. Then click the “Install Now” button in the Software Installation pop up window (the button may be greyed out for a few seconds while Firefox downloads Zotero), and restart Firefox after the installation has completed. You should now see the Zotero logo () in the status bar in the right bottom corner of your Firefox browser window.
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