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Presentasi berjudul: "PHYSICAL EVIDENCE AND THE SERVICESCAPE Chapter 10"— Transcript presentasi:

Donna J. Hill, Ph.D. Service Marketing Spring 2000

2 Servicescape Other tangibles
Physical facility ---(interior & exterior) Ambient conditions ---(temp. colors, noises, smells) Other tangibles

3 Table 10-1 Elements of Physical Evidence

4 Impact of Service Environment
Purchase decision Expectations Service quality evaluations Satisfaction

5 Table 10-2 Examples of Physical Evidence from the Customer’s Point of View

6 Table 10-3 Typology of Service Organizations Based on Variations in Form and Use of the Servicescape

7 Roles of the Servicescape
Package Facilitator Socialize Differentiator

8 Figure 10-3 A Framework for Understanding Environment-user Relationships in Service Organizations
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSIONS HOLISTIC ENVIRONMENT INTERNAL RESPONSES BEHAVIOR Cognitive Emotional Physiological Individual Behaviors Employee Responses Ambient Conditions Space/Function Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts Perceived Servicescape Social Interactions between and among customer and employees Customer Responses Individual Behaviors Cognitive Emotional Physiological Source: Adapted from Mary Jo Bitner, “Servicescapes.”

9 Framework for Understanding Servicescape Effects on Behavior
Internal Responses Cognitive --- knowledge structure Affective ---feelings & emotions Physiological--- changes in

10 Knowledge Structures Beliefs Categorization Symbolic Meaning

11 Emotional Mood Attitude

12 Affective Responses Arousing Distressing Exciting Unpleasant Pleasant
Gloomy Relaxing Sleeping

13 Physiological Responses
Heart beat rate Pupil dilation Tears Perspiration Pain

14 Physiological Responses
Cognitive Physiological Behavioral Affective

15 Individual Behaviors Created by Servicescape
Approach behaviors Avoidance behaviors Arousal seekers Arousal avoiders Environmental stimuli screeners Environmental stimuli nonscreeners

16 Social Interactions Between and among customers and employees

17 Environmental Dimensions
Ambient Conditions Spatial Layout and Functionality Signs, Symbols and Artifacts

18 Perceptions of Crowding
Environmental cues Shopping motives Constraints Expectations of crowding

19 Impact of Crowding Short-term Long-term Affective reactions
Reduce browsing Adjust purchases Reduce interaction with employees Less confidence in purchase decision Dissatisfied with experience Reduce image of firm Modify future purchase intentions

20 Maximizing the Service Environment
1. Recognize strategic impact. 2. Blueprint 3. Clarify roles of the Servicescape 4. Assess and identify physical evidence opportunities. 5. Update and modernize .

21 Servicescape Positioning
Cost Efficiency Firm (Technical) Employees Customers Service Quality (Functional) Customization

22 Objectives and Goals Customization Meet Needs of Customers
Functional Service Technical Service Cost Efficiency Meet Needs of Customers Meet needs of customers Maximize employee efficiency Reduce costs and increase productivity

23 Choosing the Location Operational Position Merchantability
Traffic interception Cumulative competitive attraction Competitive compatibility Accessibility

24 Physical Facility Exterior Appearance Interior Appearance
Ambient Conditions Interpersonal Factors Employee Appearance Employee Behavior Cost Efficiency: Maximize efficiency & productivity. Customization: Focus on customers. Technical SQ..: Maximize quality of technical output. Functional SQ..: Maximize quality of customer interaction.

25 Strategies to Reduce Impact of Crowding
Operations Management: 1. Modify layout of facility. 2. Reduce capacity of facility. 3. Control number of customers in facility. 4. Hire more customer contact personnel. Perceptions Management: 1. Use signs. 2. Modify ambient conditions.

26 Entertainment Services
Spectator Sports Recreational Theme Parks

27 Latihan Apakah yang dimaskud dengan bukti fisik, dan mengapa hal ini termasuk ke dalam bagian ilmu pemasaran Jelaskan dan berikan contoh mengapa srvicecapes memegang peran strategis dalam hal: package, facilitator, socializer, dan differentiator. Bayangkan anda memiliki foto kopi dan mesin cetak, bagaimana caranya anda akan menerapkan serivecape tipologi Bagaimana bukti fisik dapat mengatasi gap 2? Jelaskan .

28 Latihan (ljt) Mengapa karyawan dan pelanggan termasuk ke dalam kerangka pemahaman efek servicecape ? Gunakan pengalaman sendiri, berikan contoh kapan anda dipengaruhi oleh affected cognitively, emotionally, and phsyologically dengan menggunakan unsur serivecape. Dikerjakan oleh keloml I. Cewek, kelompok II cowok. Kel I menjawab soal, kel II menyanggah atau menyempurnakan. Jawaban diunggah di blog dengan halaman yang telah disediakan.


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