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Diterbitkan olehSusanto Lie Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
1 Pertemuan 2 Unit 1 - Careers Matakuliah: G0682 / Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: versi/revisi
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan dapat : 1.Memberikan contoh berbagai kosakata yang berhubungan dengan karir, terutama kata majemuk 2.Mahasiswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan kata-kata seputar karir/ pekerjaan
3 Outline Materi Kosa kata mengenai karir Jenis departemen dalam perusahaan Collocation (pasangan kata) Reading: Female Train Driver
4 Starting up Discuss these questions. 1.Are you ambitious? Why or Why not? 2.Do you have a career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? 3.Which of the following would you prefer to do? a) Work for one company during your career b) Work for several different companies c) Work for yourserf
5 Starting up (Contd…) 1.Sales & marketing 2.Finance 3.Management 4.Administration & Personnel 5.Production Which of the following areas do you work in (or would you like to work in)? 6.Research & Development 7.Engineering 8.Information & Technology 9.Human Resource Development
6 Group Discussion 1.Change companies often 2.Use charm and sex appeal with your superiors 3.Attend all meetings 4.Go to your company’s social functions 5.Be energetic and enthusiastic at all times 6.Be the last to leave work every day 7.Find an experienced person to give you help and advice 8.Study for extra qualifications in your free time What should you do to get ahead in your career? Choose the four most important tips from the list below. Compare your ideas in a group and try to agree on a final choice.
7 Vocabulary Building on Careers 1.career ladder 2.career move 3.career break 4.career plan 5.career opportunities The phrases below all include the word career. Match them to their correct meanings. a)Something you do in order to progress in your job b)Period of time away from your job to, for example, look after your children c)Series of levels that lead to better and better jobs d)Chances to start/ improve your career e)Ideas you have for your future career
8 Vocabulary Building on Careers
10 Additional Resources Career Common Sense: Strategies Used by Successful Professionals Read the following article and consult difficult words in your dictionary
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