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Diterbitkan olehHartono Sugiarto Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
1 Pertemuan 2: EMOTIONAL APPEALS Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menyebutkan/mengenali emotional Appeals yang digunakan oleh pemasang iklan dan media iklan yang masih effektif dipakai (TIK-2)
3 Outline Materi Listening 1 : Advertising on the Air »Introducing the topic »Listening for main ideas »Listening for Details »Listening Between the Lines Listening 2: Other Appeals. »Sentence stress
4 Introducing the topic What to notice? Notice picture on page 1 »Response »Discuss »Answer questions 1 and 2 Notice picture on page 5 »Discuss
5 Listening for main ideas What …………. What’s happening? What ………… What kind of class is this? What …..
6 Listening for details Ask questions begin with: Who….? Where…? When…? How…? Why...
7 Listening Between the Lines Special difficulties Special Task Focus on information between the lines only Focus on Vocabulary in use Focus on phrases
8 Listening 2: Other Appeals : Sentence Stress in Grammar shown as IMPERATIVE style: GIVING INSTRUCTION
9 conclusion INTONATION (Stress) gives certain effect to listener. INTONATION make written and spoken language different.
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