Social and Cultural Aspects of Tourism (Aspek Sosial dan Kultural Pariwisata) Week 11 Matakuliah: V0162 - Pengantar Industri Hospitality dan Pariwisata.

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2 Social and Cultural Aspects of Tourism (Aspek Sosial dan Kultural Pariwisata) Week 11 Matakuliah: V0162 - Pengantar Industri Hospitality dan Pariwisata Tahun: 2008

3 Bina Nusantara HO@0808 QUESTIONS?

4 Bina Nusantara HO@0808 Review Questions 11  Explain the effect of travel on individual travellers  Explain the effects of tourism on social behaviour and values  What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism on a local culture in a host country?

5 Bina Nusantara HO@0808 THANK YOU AND HAVE A GOOD DAY

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