1 Pertemuan 24 Matakuliah: I0214 / Statistika Multivariat Tahun: 2005 Versi: V1 / R1 Analisis Struktur Peubah Ganda (IV): Analisis Kanonik.

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Presentasi berjudul: "1 Pertemuan 24 Matakuliah: I0214 / Statistika Multivariat Tahun: 2005 Versi: V1 / R1 Analisis Struktur Peubah Ganda (IV): Analisis Kanonik."— Transcript presentasi:

1 1 Pertemuan 24 Matakuliah: I0214 / Statistika Multivariat Tahun: 2005 Versi: V1 / R1 Analisis Struktur Peubah Ganda (IV): Analisis Kanonik

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menganalisis struktur peubah ganda  C4 Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan analisis kanonik  C3

3 3 Outline Materi Konsep dasar analisis kanonik Analisis kanonik

4 4 Other PCA-like Methods Canonical Correlations Analysis – A statistical technique to identify and measure the association between two sets of variables – Multiple regression can be interpreted as a special case of canonical correlations analysis Correspondence Analysis A weighted principal component analysis of a contingency table Canonical Correspondence Analysis The equivalent of canonical correlations analysis for measuring the associations between two sets of categorical variables >

5 5 Canonical Correlation Analysis "Canonical correlation is a technique for analyzing the relationship between two sets of variables - each set can contain several variables. Canonical correlation is a variation on the concept of multiple regression and correlation analysis. In multiple regression and correlation, you examine the relationship between a linear combination of a set of X variables and a single Y variable. In canonical correlation analysis, you examine the relationship between a linear combination of the set of X variables with a linear combination of a set of Y variables. Simple and multiple correlation are special cases of canonical correlation in which one or both sets contain a single variable." REF: SAS Online Help

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11 11 > Sampai dengan saat ini Anda telah mempelajari kosep dasar analisis kanonik Untuk dapat lebih memahami konsep dasar analisis kanonik tersebut, cobalah Anda pelajari materi penunjang, website/internet dan mengerjakan latihan

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