1 Pertemuan 11 Indikator Trend Matakuliah: F0392/Simulasi Perdagangan di Bursa Efek Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/3.

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1 1 Pertemuan 11 Indikator Trend Matakuliah: F0392/Simulasi Perdagangan di Bursa Efek Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/3

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menentukan indikator trend pada grafik saham Menghubungkan indikator trend dan indikator perekonomian

3 3 Outline Materi Peak-and=through analysis Support and resistance Volume interpretation

4 4 Peak-and-through analysis

5 5 Support and Resistance Level Support is where a declining trend can be expected to halt, temporary, due to a concentration of demand Resistance is where and advancing trend can be expected to halt, temporary, due to a concentration of supply

6 6 Ex : Support and Resistance

7 7 Support and Resistance Area Support and Resistance areas are not predictors of where prices will reverse But merely indicated possible, or probable, points

8 8 Old Support Has Been Violated

9 9 New Support and Corrections

10 10 New Support Level

11 11 Support Reverse to Resistance

12 12 Price Rally at New Support & Resistance Level

13 13 Potential Resistance and Uptrend

14 14 Resistance Reverse to Support

15 15 Volume Interpretation 1.The most important principle is that volume normally goes with the trend. In a rising market, volume should be expanding and in a declining market it should be contract. Rising volume refers to the average daily, weekly, or monthly transaction level relative to itself. 2.Rising volume and price are normal phenomenon. 3.Volume normally leads price. A new high price that is not confirmed by volume should be regarded as a red flag, warning that the prevailing trend may be about to reverse

16 16 Volume Interpretation 4.Rising prices and failing volume are abnormal, and indicates a weak ans suspect rally. 5.A parabolic rise in prices and a sharp increase in volume are unsustainable, and eventually result in an exhaustion move. 6.The reverse se of circumstances, when the price declines sharply and volume expands to climactic levels, is a selling climax.

17 17 Tugas Kerjakan dan kumpulkan pada Pert 12 Tugas 11-1 Tugas 11-2 Tugas 11-3

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