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Presentasi berjudul: "J0444 OPERATION MANAGEMENT"— Transcript presentasi:

Pert 18 Ecommerce dan Manajemen Operasi Universitas Bina Nusantara

2 Electronic Commerce and E-Ops
Electronic Commerce and E-Ops Defined The Context of E-Ops Business Web Models E-Ops Applications 2

3 INteRneT Adalah sebuah jaringan komputer internasional yang menghubungakan orang – orang dan organisasi di seluruh dunia eCommerce Penggunaan jaringan komputer, terutama internet, untuk membeli dan menjual produk

4 Definisi eCommerce B2B  kedua pihak yang melakukan transaski adalah perusahaan, organisasi nirlaba, atau pemerintah B2C  berarti transaski eCommerce merupakan transakdi di mana para pembeli merupakan konsumen individu C2C  Konsumen menjual secara langsung satu sama lain melalui iklan elektronik atau situs C2B  Individu menjual barang – barang atau jasa ke perusahaan

5 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan eCommerce
Diskusikan kelebihan dan Kekurangan eCommerce

6 Electronic Commerce and E-Ops Defined
Electronic commerce (EC) is defined as “the use of computer applications communicated over networks to allow buyers and sellers to complete a transaction or part of a transaction”. E-Ops is a term that refers to the application of the Internet and its attendant technologies to the field of operations management. 4

7 Traditional vs. Electronic Commerce Purchasing
Process Step Traditional Electronic Commerce Acquire product information Magazines, flyers, online catalogues Web pages Send order Fax, mail , Web pages Check inventory at warehouse Printed form, phone form Online database, Web pages Buyer sends payment Mail EDI 4

8 The Context of E-Ops Business Model Operations
“How we make our money?” Operations “How do we manage production of the product or service?” Information System Architecture “The set of tools used to support processes.” 4

9 Business Web Models Marketplace B-Web Model Aggregator Alliance
Value Chain Distributive Network Example Ebay E-Trade AOL Dell Computers UPS 4

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