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Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning

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Presentasi berjudul: "Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning
Seminar Pemasaran Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning

2 Steps in Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
5. Identify possible positioning concepts for each target segment 6. Select, develop, and communicate the chosen concept Market Positioning 1. Identify segmentation variables and segment the market 2. Develop profiles of resulting segments Market Segmentation 3. Evaluate attractiveness of each segment 4. Select the target segment(s) Market Targeting

3 Segment Marketing Targeting a group of customers
who share a similar set of needs and wants.

4 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral

5 Demographic Segmentation
Age and Life Cycle Life Stage Gender Income Generation Social Class

6 Behavioral Segmentation
Decision Roles Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer User Behavioral Variables Occasions Benefits User Status Usage Rate Buyer-Readiness Loyalty Status Attitude

7 Segmenting for Business Markets
Demographic Operating Variable Purchasing Approaches Situational Factors Personal Characteristics

8 Steps in Segmentation Process
Needs-based segmentation Segment identification Segment attractiveness Segment profitability Segment positioning Segment acid test Marketing mix strategy

9 Effective Segmentation Criteria
Measurable Substantial Accessible Differentiable Actionable

10 Targeting Pemilihan Pasar Sasaran (Targeting)
* Konsentrasi segmen pasar tunggal * Spesialisasi selektif * Spesialisasi pasar * Spesialisasi produk * Peliputan pasar secara penuh

11 Positioning Adalah tindakan merancang penawaran dan citra pemasaran sehingga menempati suatu posisi kompetitif yg berarti dan berbeda dalam pemikiran konsumen sasarannya.

12 Strategi Positioning Menurut Atribut Menurut Manfaat
Menurut Penggunaan Menurut Pemakaian Menurut Pesaing Menurut Kategori produk Menurut Kualitas / harga

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