1 Pertemuan 8 Phrasal Verbs & Prefixes Matakuliah: G0134/Grammar III Tahun: 2005 Versi: revisi 1.

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1 1 Pertemuan 8 Phrasal Verbs & Prefixes Matakuliah: G0134/Grammar III Tahun: 2005 Versi: revisi 1

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memakai phrasal verbs dan prefixes yang dipelajari secara benar dalam kalimat.

3 3 Outline Materi Intransitive Phrasal Verbs Transitive Phrasal Verbs Prefixes

4 4 Phrasal Verbs The meaning of some phrasal verbs is clear: I picked up the phone. (picked and up have their normal meanings) Many phrasal verbs are idiomatic. They may contain the same verb but have different meanings, depending on the preposition or adverb which follows:

5 5 Phrasal Verbs He turned back because he had left something at home. (= changed direction) He turned down the invitation because he was feeling tired. (= refused) They turned up unexpectedly. (= arrived)

6 6 Phrasal Verbs Some phrasal verbs have several meanings:  She put on her clothes. (= she got dressed)  She put on weight. (= her weight increased)  She put on the light. (= she switched the light on)  The students put on a play. (= performed)

7 7 Phrasal Verbs  Some phrasal verbs, e.g. fall behind, grow up, set off, are intransitive (they do not have an object): I grew up in Samarinda.  We can place the object between the verb and the particle with some transitive phrasal verbs: We put off their visit = We put their visit off.  If the object is a pronoun, we always place it between the verb and the particle: We put them off.

8 8 Prefixes Prefixes are used to change meaning. Prefixes never change the part of speech. A few rules of prefixes: in + legal = illegal in + polite = impolite in + responsible = irresponsible Some common mistakes are: You must unconnect the cables first (wrong) You must disconnect the cables first. They expelled him for disbehaving (wrong) They expelled him for misbehaving.

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